Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

So this is some kind of special time of the year or something. Last Friday (apparently - we dogs have no concept of time, let alone being able to track the days of the week!), Richie and Christine took me to their office, and I had my jingle bells on (below) and a harness with stockings attached (stockings are the things that I like to steal from the bedroom). Except these stockings were filled with candies, and I paraded around the building, meeting people, and they got all excited and I gave them candy.

Today is apparently "Christmas Eve", although it certainly doesn't seem like evening to me. It is bright and sunny, so Richie took me for a walk to Starbucks in my jingle bells, and then over to to Douglas Park. Everyone loves to see me, and I return their affection by sitting on their feet!

Anyhow, I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!


Sunday, December 9, 2007

Now this is a comfy bed!

The other evening, I was lucky enough to sleep in the bedroom - turns out that when I'm wet from swimming, Christine doesn't like me to stay in my room downstairs, as I might go outside and catch a cold. Not that it bothers me, but I really like sleeping in the bedroom, even though I'm too big now to try and scootch under the bed.

In the morning, Richie got up to make his morning coffee, and I thought I would see what the big deal about sleeping in bed is all about. Let me tell you - this rocks! Not only is it nice and soft, but it also smells like my humans! I still like sleeping on the cool floor however, but this is a pretty nice alternative!


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Where are you going?

You would think that being a puppy is pretty easy-going, and that there isn't any stress in my life. But there are a few things that upset me. This is one of them... almost every morning, Christine gets in the Rover and leaves. I get upset, and run to the window, and whimper as she drives away.

Inevitably, Christine comes home near the end of the day, and I greet her like I haven't seen her for days! I'm not sure where she goes all day, but I'm just glad to have her back home.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow!

I discovered a new thing this weekend - snow! Apparently, this is what happens to the rain when it gets cold enough. I wish it would snow more often, as I love it! This morning, Idaho came over and we played in the backyard - wrestling, tug-of-war and a good ol' game of chase.

After, we all went up to the field at Queen Elizabeth park, and we ran and ran! Richie and Christine made a snowman, while I chased Idaho around with a snowball in her mouth. I used my now-famous linebacker tackle technique, and I took out the silly snowman in one tackle!

Back at the house, Grizzly was over for a visit, so I went over for even more playing in the snow. We ran around and frolicked in the snow for at least another hour or so. When the snow started to turn back into rain, I finally decided it was time to come inside.

Now I am really tired - I think I'll take the rest of the day off.


The Swiss cross

If you look at us berners from the front while we are sitting, you might notice the Swiss cross that the white fur on our chest forms. Richie thought he would prove the point with his sweater with the same cross!

As our fur grows longer, it is harder to see the cross, but you could easily make it out when my fur was short as a puppy:


Friday, November 23, 2007

An exciting evening at the park

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Christine took me over to Douglas Park this evening for a walk, and this puppy comes up and wanted to be around me. He didn't really want to play with me, but you could tell that something was wrong. He was sniffing around like he was looking for food, and was really shivering. I don't think I've ever shivered, as my thick coat keeps me warm on the coldest of nights. He didn't have a collar or anything, so Christine thought he might be missing. So she waited around until some guy walked by and asked if she could use his mobile phone. Then she made a call and the next thing you know, Richie shows up in the Rover! So we all pile in, and go home (all of 3 blocks!).

When we get there, Richie looks up dog breeds trying to figure out what kind of dog he is. I'm happy to have some company, but he seems to be a little freaked out as he's shaking and stuff. Christine gave him some of my food, and he wolfed down as much food as I eat, and he's not even half my size! Anyhow, we think he's a Weimaraner-cross with maybe a Ridgeback because of his silver fur colour. Christine found a tattoo in his ear, so Richie called the animal hospital to see how that could be used to find his owner. Turns out someone else tried to catch him as well, but he was too skittish and ran off. I guess I have too much allure for him! Anyhow, they suggested that we call Vancouver Animal Control and report him, and they would try to find his family. A few minutes after leaving a message, they called back saying that there's a family that has been looking for a "Thai Ridgeback" all day. So here we are, hanging out together while we wait for the animal control girl to come get him so that he can be re-united with his family.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Back to normal

Hi folks - I'm back. Actually, it was only a few days where I felt out of sorts, and aside from an itchy tummy, I feel good again. I think I lost a little weight since I wasn't eating too much for a couple of days, but I've been eating well lately. Christine bought me some more canned salmon (my favourite) and I get a little bit with my dinner sometimes.

So today we took a ride out to Langley again - it was a beautiful day! But for some reason, Richie wasn't feeling well, as we had a party at our house last night. We had to stop and get some pills for him at the drugstore. I think he felt like I did a week ago - except I think he knows what caused him to feel that way - I still have no idea what happened. Anyhow, he closed his eyes for a long time... we both slept for a while in the car. We finally arrived at Christine's parents house - we went there to get this thing:

This is a "PONG table" - something about as old as Christine, but Richie was playing with this kind of thing as a kid. They spent a lot of time trying to get it through the doorway into the basement kitchen - it looks really heavy. Anyhow, you plug it into the wall, and they sit beside it and stare into the middle of the table. It looks boring, but they seem to get very excited by it. It makes some weird beeping noises, and I like to bark when they are playing with it. Silly humans.


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Why am I being punished?

Last night was a tough one for both me and Richie. So apparently I had an ovio-hysterectomy; I don't know what that means, but I do know that I was in a lot of discomfort. Richie stayed with me in the basement, and when I wasn't sleeping, he would try to comfort me. I tried to lick away the irritating feeling in my tummy, but Richie would keep stopping me.

In the morning, Christine went off and came back with this thing - believe me, I am not the life of the party with this lampshade on. I'm unable to take it off, and I also can't get to my backside anymore. What have I done to deserve this?


Friday, November 2, 2007

What the heck is going on?

Today, Richie took me over to the vet again... I normally like going there - I get treats from the nice people there, and there's usually some other doggies there to sniff etc. But today was different - Richie didn't stay with me this time, and left me there. I had a long nap, and when I woke up, I felt really funny. Apparently, it was something called "morphine" that was making me feel that way. Somebody had shaved the fur off my tummy, and it feels strange down there.

Anyhow, Richie finally showed up, but I was feeling too groggy to give him my normal welcome reception. All I wanted to do was lie down... it took us about 10 minutes to walk the 30 metres or so back to the house. The second I got in the house, I laid down on the floor. When Christine got home, I cried and we went into the living area. All I could do was lie there and whimper or sleep.

I hope this ends soon,


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What, me worry?

Mercedes here again. Thought I'd keep you up to speed on the happenings around here. Lewis, the golden retriever, showed up here again yesterday. We were going to go to the dog park - all three of us, but when Christine got home, Richie let me off the leash, and I ran all around the neighbourhood. Christine didn't like it, but it was great fun for me. When she finally caught me, she seemed upset, so we didn't get to go to the dog park. We did eventually go over to Douglas Park later, and we got to run around and chase other dogs. We met a HUGE 5-yr old berner named Moshe - he is 135 lbs!

Anyhow, life has been pretty good here. There has been no lack of dogs to play with, and there's all sorts of stuff that I've been able to get into. Take today, for example. While Richie was upstairs working this morning, I decided to poke around in the laundry/mud room. See, Richie thought he had out-smarted me, and put "child-proof" safety catches on all the cupboards so that I can't get into them. But I managed to push open the bi-fold doors to the furnace area, and found a bag full of plastic grocery bags. Then Mischa took over and started shredding them into tiny pieces! What fun!

But when Richie came downstairs to check in on us, he didn't look too happy. He put us all outside, and put the block on the dog door. We heard the vacuum cleaner, and what I think was swearing. Anyhow, after a little while, the door opened up, and all of the plastic bags were gone! Richie led me over to the furnace room door, and pushed my nose against it - is smelled and tasted of bitter green apples - yuck! He also went into the furnace room and jury rigged some sort of thing so I can't push open the doors anymore. Poo.

When Christine got home, we all went to Charleston Park to play with the other dogs. I was only allowed off-leash for a little while, as I wanted to run after all the people jogging on the sea wall. Mischa however, went straight over the wall and had a quick swim in False Creek. Then she went for another swim in the duck pond... that didn't make Christine and Richie very happy. That Mischa - always getting into trouble. She paid for it in the end, as she got a bath when we got home!


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

That crazy Mercedes

Hey folks, Mischa here. Well for the last few days, this new berner "Mercedes" has been staying with us and it has been really fun having another one of my kind around. It turns out we are actually related - we both have the same great-grandfather, Max. That makes us kinda second-cousins. Anyhow, she's a little bit smaller than me, even though I'm not fully grown!

I don't want to be a snitch, but that Mercedes is quite the troublemaker. I mean, I know I dig holes and shred plastic bags, but Mercedes - she'll jump right over the gate to the mud room and go looking for trouble. Then, she'll jump right back over the gate and come outside with me! She also tried digging her way over to bunny's yard, but didn't get very far. She's also been jumping up on Christine and Richie, which they don't like at all. Richie used the squirt gun on her, but I don't think she gets it yet. She'll learn eventually - we all do.



Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rainy Sunday

Hi - Mercedes here again. Last night, I got put in the "mud room" when it was bed-time; there's a cool door where us dogs can get in and out easily. Mischa and I were raising hell all night, as every time I heard something strange, I would bark at it. Then Mischa, not one to bark, would start barking too! It got the point that around 3:00 am, Christine came down and put the security block over our doggie door. But I was too smart for her, and managed to push it up so that we could get outside and start barking again!

Today it has been raining pretty much all day. So aside from a walk with Christine in the morning, we've been hanging out inside, watching TV and having naps. Christine decided to bake cookies, and so Mischa and I parked out under the counter hoping something yummy would fall within our reach!

More coming later,


Special guest blogger

Hi, my name is Mercedes, and I am about 2 years old. Yesterday, I got picked up by Richie and Christine. I also met Mischa, their 9-month old berner! Another doggie was also in the back of the Rover - a retriever named Lewis.

"What are you doing Lewis?"

After the long drive back to their place, we all went into the backyard to play! A fourth doggie, another retriever named Idaho, came over and we had a big welcome party. We ran around in the backyard all afternoon, playing ball, sniffing and wrestling. That Mischa is a handful - she's the biggest of us all, and she never backs down with anyone. Lewis gets fixated on the damned ball, and doesn't really play - but I guess he is 11 years old, after all. Richie stayed outside with us all the while, and kept warm by the firepit. I'm trying to get Richie and Christine to adopt me, so I didn't play too much, and would stay close to his side. It's hard for him to get away when I'm sitting on his feet!

After a hard day of playing, we were noticeably pooped out. I already like this place - I get to come inside whenever I want - Mischa likes to sit out on the deck by herself sometimes, whereas I'd rather be inside with these new humans.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Who is the big dog now?

So the whole damn Chin family was over for a BBQ yesterday evening. Deb brought Lupin along with her so that we could play in the backyard together. But we didn't reallly get a chance to play, because Lupin was so uptight about not being inside with Deb that we ended up hanging out by the back door all evening.

Anyhow, you might remember that when I first met Lupin, that I was only about 9 weeks old, but I was chasing her around like a big dog. Well here we are again, and now I am the same age as she was at the time of our first encounter. And who is the big dog now? Woof! That's right... me! She's got dainty little ankles - not like me... mine are built for haulin'!

But that doesn't mean that I'm too big to be cuddled... as you can plainly see, I'm still a Daddy's girl at heart.


Friday, September 21, 2007

The fading days of summer

So it would seem that everyone is getting bummed out about the end of summer. I don't know what their problem is. See, we Berners love the cold. I myself like to spend the first part of my sleep outside in the yard. After I get nice and cold, I move inside into my safe room. But as you can see above, I love to sit on the cool grass and take in the world (ok, my block).

Richie made me a long rope harness so that I can sit out there without him having to worry about me bothering people who are walking by on the sidewalk. Who would not want to see an 85-lb. puppy like me up close? Well, apparently there are some that do get a little freaked out by me, so the rope stops me just short of the sidewalk... crap.


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Day 2 at the dog show

Today we went to the dog show again, and I not only got to see Zhivago again, but my sister Kahlua was there too! I can't keep track of the ribbons I won this time, but I don't think I did as well as yesterday, because I didn't get a "point" (I got one yesterday however).

I think what happened, is that another Berner from the US named "Jaeda" won something called "Best of Opposite" or something like that. Like I said yesterday, I don't really know what goes on, but all I do know is that I get a lot of treats.

Joanne was busy handling Jaeda, so Cathy took care of me in the ring.

This is where I get a treat for simply standing there... how easy is that! That's Jaeda up front, and Kahlua behind me being handled by Dave.
After we trot around the ring, we stand again, and this other human comes around and checks out my teeth and stuff. Kinda weird, but I won best puppy of the breed again! So we stuck around until the other working dogs got their showing, and then I competed against the best puppies.

In the video above, you see me leading the pack around the ring - you would think I'm in the front because I'm the best-looking of the bunch, but it turns out that it is alphabetical! Anyhow, the Rottweiler puppy won, so we went home without any more ribbons.


Friday, September 7, 2007

My first dog show!

Today, we went to my first dog show, and I got a chance to see my step-brother, Zhivago (same dad, different mom). He is huge! He apparently only weighs about 95 lbs., but he seems soooo much bigger than me. Here he is standing with Christine, while I get a last-minute grooming from Joanne.

There was a lot of other doggies there too - only two other Berners (incl. Zhivago), a bunch of Rotties, some terriers, poodles, and Shelties. There was also a lot of little dogs - hard to call them dogs really, as I think my morning poops weigh more than some of those dogs!

I was a natural in the ring, of course... I didn't try to run to Richie and Christine, and I stayed focused on Joanne (shown above taking me on a stroll for the judge). I have to admit, I don't really understand the whole show concept, but here was the results:

We are going to the show again tomorrow - let's see if the competition heats up!


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The long road home

It actually wasn't that bad, really. Instead of fighting the long weekend traffic, we went the other direction, and stayed the night with Ma n' Pa Chin in Kamloops.

The next day, when we drove back home, it was clear sailing, as I didn't hear Richie swearing about the traffic at all! I was able to sleep most of the time anyways, and when I wasn't, I kept myself occupied playing with the pillows.


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Swimming in the lake

Contrary to popular belief, Berners do indeed swim - as I am so adeptly demonstrating above. Now I haven't quite mastered dock jumping like Lewis has, but I float really well, and my big webbed paws give me great mobility in the water.

Sometimes however, it's more fun to have someone else do the work - Tasha took us for a paddle around the lake one sunny afternoon.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Wubba keep away

Lewis is a toy-stealer; any new dog toy he comes across, he thinks it belongs to him. I was too fast for him however, and I ran circles around him as he tried to get my Wubba from me.


Crater Lake Yurting

Here I am, standing by the edge of Crater Lake, where Richie, Christine and I went to stay for three sleeps. My pal Lewis was up there too, along with Al and Tasha, and my two countrymen, Sami and Sylvie.

That crazy Lewis would chase after the chipmunks at every opportunity. Here we see him searching in the wood pile for one of those crazy critters. But while he had his nose buried deep in the pile, it ran out and went under the deck!

Not wanting to miss out on the action, I tried to find the chipmunk too - but I couldn't fit under the deck to chase him any further! More yurt pics to follow!


Monday, August 27, 2007

My new collar!

Here I am, wearing my new, traditional Swiss dog collar. Here is the history of my beautiful new collar:

The people in Appenzell have been cowherds for centuries. They pasture their livestock in lower meadows in the winter, and in high mountain pastures in the summer, and they celebrate the cattle drives from one place to another with two colorful festivals. The Alpauffahrt -- which translates as "procession up the mountain" -- occurs in spring, when the cows are herded to upper pastures. The second festival is the Alpabfahrt, which means to "come down from the mountains." That takes place, typically, in mid-September, when the cows return from the mountains.

Every Alpauffahrt and Alpabfahrt has a festive parade in which the people wear their traditional clothes, called tracht. Farmers wear bright yellow pants with tall socks and bright red vests, and women wear amazingly detailed dresses. Cows are adorned in ornate straps with colorful treicheln or glocken [alpine cowbells] for their journey up to the mountain pasture, or down to the valley meadow. Horses and goats are also dressed up, and dogs wear their nicest ornamental collars. The traditional Swiss collars for the dogs were designed for these processions back in the 1750s by a family business.

The Faessler family has been working with leather since the 1400s. Before the collars, they were already making saddles and bridles, leather straps for cowbells; Swiss farmers still have cowbells that each have different sounds, so that each farmer knows whose cow it is. The Faesslers made leather straps for cowbells, and the Faesslers were the first family to decorate cows, goats, horses and dogs for the Alpauffahrt and Alpabfahrt processions. The Faesslers have now been making the dog collars for seven generations.

The plates around the collar depict an Appenzeller cattle drive proceeding up a mountain. The first plate shows a herdsman -- a sennen -- leading the procession. He's with a dog wearing the collar. This is followed by a series of plates with cows - the herd. The last plate on the collar is another sennen with a dog, who is trailing the herd.

Pretty cool, eh? I will be the talk of the town when I am cruising down South Granville!


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wake up Christine!

On the weekends, Richie is usually the first one up, and I greet him either in my safe room, or outside on the patio. I sometimes come into the kitchen and have a bit of breakfast, but I usually head straight for the bedroom door, and wait for Christine to get up; if I stick my nose under the door, I can tell she is still in there. Crazy humans... only one sleep per day - I sleep dozens of times during the day - get up!


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Movie night

The other evening, Christine hosted her volleyball team for a BBQ, and so we decided to host a movie night as well. The projector thingy that is normally hanging in the basement was moved outside, and we all hung out in the backyard all evening! Richie had friends in from Switzerland - my native country! They even brought me a gift... a traditional collar for us Bernese Mountain dog types! It is a big, black leather collar, with gold cows (one of my favourite 4-legged friends) all around it. I'll try to post a good picture with me wearing it soon.

Anyhow, it was great to have everyone outside hanging out with me - as you can see, I am always in the centre of the action. There was also a lot of popcorn being eaten, and I was able to snag a few kernels from a few of the unsuspecting newcomers.


Friday, August 24, 2007

What chu doin' down there?

I like to sit on the deck, and look over into the neighbour's yard and see what the bunny is up to. Sometimes, when Richie or Christine is in the yard, I peer over the edge to see what they are up to. For some reason, this makes them laugh! Something to do with my droopy jowls and the thick fur I have on my face.


Friday, August 17, 2007

Training time

Here I am, in the training ring for an upcoming show in September that Cathy is going to enter me into. Apparently, I am a little "willful", but seem to be doing ok as a show puppy! I do have trouble with some of the drills, as I normally 'sit' when presented with a treat, and now they want me to 'stand' instead. I hope these humans make up their minds! They also want to look at my teeth for some reason - I didn't like it, so I would wiggle my muzzle out of their hands. Since then, Christine and Richie have been giving me treats for the command 'teeth'... man, this is the easiest trick ever - I just stand there, and they gently pry my lips apart, and I get a treat! I can do this show stuff.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A new girlfriend!

So a new puppy appeared on the block recently - a "golden doodle" or something like that. Her name is Maisy, and although she's only 13 weeks old, she is a firecracker! She plays with me like I used to play with Idaho, when I was a little puppy.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Frolicking in the surf!

The other evening, we went down to the doggy beach at Spanish Banks. This is where I come with my group of pals with Ruff Stuff, my dog walking group. Now that I am old enough to play with the big dogs, I get to go on field trips during the day while Richie is at work. My best friend, Idaho has been going with them for a while now, so we get to play together here as well. I am still not into swimming yet, although I have done it. I have to really get in the play mood to go in above my belly, as shown above. I just like tearing around in the sand - as shown in the brief video below:

See you next time,


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Working at home

So Christine has been sick for a couple of weeks now, and Richie has it now too. The last couple of days, he's stayed home from work, which is great since I get to have company all day long!

But the truth be known, most of what I do is sleep. Sleep in my safe room, sleep outside on the concrete, sleep on the tile in bathroom, sleep on the marble in the foyer, or as shown above, sleep on the kitchen floor. I know Richie is upstairs in his office working, but it is so much nicer knowing that I have company, even though I'm just sleeping the day away.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hangin' at the yurt

What a beautiful morning at the yurt!

Hmmm... I wonder what would happen if I went in for a drink? I'm not sure about going in the water, at least beyond my belly, as shown below.

But I am happy to go for another spin around the lake in Richie's boat...

you would think that it is too hot for me to be in the sun that long, but with the bottom of the boat being so cool, I get great naps while we are out on the lake!

As for Richie and Christine, they couldn't go into the yurt for a nap, as it was too hot during the day, so they hooked up a sheet for some shelter from the sun. Even still, it was 30 C in the shade. It was easy for me to find shade in the trees by the lake.

Richie even cooked dinner over the open fire - cowboy-style! They had some tasty stuff - bbq ribs and pan-fried potatoes... I know this, because when Richie wasn't looking, I licked the spoon!

After dinner, we went for a sunset cruise around the lake...


Here I am, probably checking out the loons on the lake, or looking for that elusive beaver!

Anyhow, so ends my summer vacation - but who's kidding who - every day is a vacation for me!
