Friday, November 2, 2007

What the heck is going on?

Today, Richie took me over to the vet again... I normally like going there - I get treats from the nice people there, and there's usually some other doggies there to sniff etc. But today was different - Richie didn't stay with me this time, and left me there. I had a long nap, and when I woke up, I felt really funny. Apparently, it was something called "morphine" that was making me feel that way. Somebody had shaved the fur off my tummy, and it feels strange down there.

Anyhow, Richie finally showed up, but I was feeling too groggy to give him my normal welcome reception. All I wanted to do was lie down... it took us about 10 minutes to walk the 30 metres or so back to the house. The second I got in the house, I laid down on the floor. When Christine got home, I cried and we went into the living area. All I could do was lie there and whimper or sleep.

I hope this ends soon,


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