Sunday, August 28, 2016

Road trip!

Richie put me in the Rover recently - I say that because I don't jump/get into the back on my own. In fact, I don't like getting in at all, and resist with all my effort to not go towards the cargo area. But in the end, he lifts me up into the back and everything is ok. This time, I had to share the my space with a big plastic thing (no, I didn't chew on it) and some other stuff.

Then we drove for a few minutes over to our friends' place, and picked them up and headed off on a road trip! We must have gone a long way, but I can't tell, as I lie down for most of the trip and can't see out the window. But after a while we all got out at a place called "the cabin". I got tied up on a long rope, as this place doesn't have a fence to keep me from wandering too far. But that didn't bother me, as they spend all their time outdoors with me here! It was pretty hot that first day we got there, so I spent most of my time on the grass in the shade of the Rover.

They too, were trying to find cool areas to sip their silly drinks, and would move around to find the coolest spots to sit. I'd come over to get some cuddles every once in a while, but that darn rope would get caught on things, and someone would have to come over and rescue me. I was allowed to run free a few times, and for the most part was pretty good at staying closeby. However, one morning, I decided to wander around a bit, and Richie had to go back and get Brian and Tyson to come get me.

They would also play this game where they throw these small things back and forth - I really wanted to play too, and would try and get one of those things in my mouth. But after a few tries, they put me back on my rope, so Tyson and I had to be content to simply watch.

Sometimes they would leave us dogs in the cabin while they went away somewhere, other times we'd simply hang out in the shade. Dog, these humans are almost as lazy as I am! Anyhow, it did cool down a little bit in the evenings and later on in the weekend, so we were able to walk down to the beach a couple of times. I wasn't allowed to go in the water, as there is something about the water here that isn't good for my tummy. But I did get a good look from the wall, as you can see here.

Anyhow, we had a great weekend, and now I'm really tired!


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