Thursday, August 18, 2016

Dog in the pool

It's getting hot... I mean, not Africa hot, but it's hotter out than I really care for. See, normally I spend my day as follows:
  • Wake up and try to get onto the bed
  • Go outside and sniff around and go to the bathroom
  • Breakfast - yum!
  • Walk in the neighbourhood
  • Nap on the cool tile patio
  • "Alligator" time with Richie
  • Lunch - yum!
  • Nap on the tile in the bathroom
  • Nap on the tile on the patio (yes, again)
  • More alligator time with Richie, which leads to
  • Another walk in the neighbourhood
  • Nap time on the patio tile (see the pattern here?)
  • Christine comes home and I greet her with much enthusiasm!
  • Dinner - yum!
  • Cuddling on the floor with one of the humans which leads to
  • More alligator time
  • Lie on the cool grass after the sun goes down - with a nap
  • Come inside and sleep on the cool tile in the bathroom
  • Repeat
But now that it is hotter out, Richie got me one of these things:

It is awesome! He fills it with cold water, and I get to cool my paws off in it. Christine put my toys into it as well, and I played lots - running back and forth, getting the toys out of the pool and taking them over to my favourite lawn spot. I would spin around quickly and then lie down with a great big splash!

I vaguely remember one of these things from when I was just a puppy, but it didn't have water in it like this. It was still fun to play in, if I recall correctly. Anyhow, this is a really nice way to stay cool on these hot summer days.


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