Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A one month summary

So if we dogs could keep track of time, I could say that it has been a little over a month since I arrived at this place with these new humans. We seem to do mostly the same things everyday, which I don't really mind. On the weekends, we do different things, but still spend lots of time cuddling and stuff... well, at least until I get into my crocodile mood.

When that happens, I get sprayed right in the nose with some stuff that I don't like, and it usually makes me stop - usually. I have had some episodes in the backyard where I couldn't contain my puppy energy, and either inadvertently bit one of these new humans, or got my teeth into their clothes. I've even bitten Richie on the bum a few times - love bites, really - but he doesn't seem to like it.

He also doesn't seem to like it when I lie in his favourite leather armchair - I got excited one afternoon and ran into the basement and jumped right in! Anyhow, I much prefer the couch in the basement, or even better, the bed upstairs.

"Hey! Wait for me!"
We've been doing lots of walking - usually twice a day, sometimes even three times! We went back to that place called the Endowment Lands again recently too. It was great fun running around off-leash, but as usual, it was probably too much exertion for me, as it made me limpy again. When will I learn? Anyhow, we've been meeting lots of new people in the neighbourhood. I often stop to meet people I hear coming up behind us, but I am still a bit leery sometimes, and bark at them if they try to pet me on the head.

Here I am, keeping this silly plastic thing from moving around while Richie stops and plays some game with a neighbour down the block. I wanted to get closer to the action, and it was pretty easy for me to pull the big plastic thing around, so we had to leave. Regardless, I think I like this neighbourhood... maybe I will get to stay?


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Road trip!

Richie put me in the Rover recently - I say that because I don't jump/get into the back on my own. In fact, I don't like getting in at all, and resist with all my effort to not go towards the cargo area. But in the end, he lifts me up into the back and everything is ok. This time, I had to share the my space with a big plastic thing (no, I didn't chew on it) and some other stuff.

Then we drove for a few minutes over to our friends' place, and picked them up and headed off on a road trip! We must have gone a long way, but I can't tell, as I lie down for most of the trip and can't see out the window. But after a while we all got out at a place called "the cabin". I got tied up on a long rope, as this place doesn't have a fence to keep me from wandering too far. But that didn't bother me, as they spend all their time outdoors with me here! It was pretty hot that first day we got there, so I spent most of my time on the grass in the shade of the Rover.

They too, were trying to find cool areas to sip their silly drinks, and would move around to find the coolest spots to sit. I'd come over to get some cuddles every once in a while, but that darn rope would get caught on things, and someone would have to come over and rescue me. I was allowed to run free a few times, and for the most part was pretty good at staying closeby. However, one morning, I decided to wander around a bit, and Richie had to go back and get Brian and Tyson to come get me.

They would also play this game where they throw these small things back and forth - I really wanted to play too, and would try and get one of those things in my mouth. But after a few tries, they put me back on my rope, so Tyson and I had to be content to simply watch.

Sometimes they would leave us dogs in the cabin while they went away somewhere, other times we'd simply hang out in the shade. Dog, these humans are almost as lazy as I am! Anyhow, it did cool down a little bit in the evenings and later on in the weekend, so we were able to walk down to the beach a couple of times. I wasn't allowed to go in the water, as there is something about the water here that isn't good for my tummy. But I did get a good look from the wall, as you can see here.

Anyhow, we had a great weekend, and now I'm really tired!


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

More play time!

It would seem that the fun never stops here. We went back to that river place again, and this time I was demonstrating my excellent retrieving skills. Richie would throw a piece of bark (BOL... bark - get it?) into the water, and I would go get it! Sometimes, it would go just a little further than I could reach while my front paws were touching the sand underneath, and so I went completely underwater! Not to worry, as I simply turned around and walked back out of the water.

 Then this other fast doggie wanted to play a little bit. I tried chasing, but I was not going to even come close to catching her. So I simply went over to a soft hole in the sand and waited until she came over to play.

Then on another day (I can't keep track), that big Yeti came back over to play again! We ran and wrestled and played in the garden (you can tell from the mud on our paws and chests). I think I was playing a bit too hard with Barney, as he kept going up to the deck to get away from me, and I also seem to have hurt my front leg. Too much crazy puppy time I guess.

Anyhow, they brought me a new pillow, and now I am really tired, so I am going to sleep on it. Thanks Barney and Auntie Deb!


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

"My Name is Nobody"

Well, it would seem that I have been given a new name here. If I wander off for a sniff in the garden, I get hollered at, "NOBODY!". That thing where they put all of their plates and dishes smells enticing, so I go in for a lick and immediately hear, "NOBODY!". I grab a plastic bucket from Christine's gardening area, and the chase is on - "NOBODY!". When I try to play alligator and chew on a nearby hand, arm or leg, again, "NOBODY!".

Anyhow, I am having fun trying to get in trouble here... we'll see if the new name sticks. Am I supposed to be Henry Fonda or Terence Hill?

Nobody (No Buddy)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

One year ago today...

It's been a year (human, not dog) since I left the company of my momma and the rest of the family. I don't remember much from then, so here's a few pics to give you an idea of what things were like when I was only 8 weeks old!

That's me, lying under the car... a sign of things to come?

I'm on the far right... or is that left?

This is really boring! When can we play?

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Dog in the pool

It's getting hot... I mean, not Africa hot, but it's hotter out than I really care for. See, normally I spend my day as follows:
  • Wake up and try to get onto the bed
  • Go outside and sniff around and go to the bathroom
  • Breakfast - yum!
  • Walk in the neighbourhood
  • Nap on the cool tile patio
  • "Alligator" time with Richie
  • Lunch - yum!
  • Nap on the tile in the bathroom
  • Nap on the tile on the patio (yes, again)
  • More alligator time with Richie, which leads to
  • Another walk in the neighbourhood
  • Nap time on the patio tile (see the pattern here?)
  • Christine comes home and I greet her with much enthusiasm!
  • Dinner - yum!
  • Cuddling on the floor with one of the humans which leads to
  • More alligator time
  • Lie on the cool grass after the sun goes down - with a nap
  • Come inside and sleep on the cool tile in the bathroom
  • Repeat
But now that it is hotter out, Richie got me one of these things:

It is awesome! He fills it with cold water, and I get to cool my paws off in it. Christine put my toys into it as well, and I played lots - running back and forth, getting the toys out of the pool and taking them over to my favourite lawn spot. I would spin around quickly and then lie down with a great big splash!

I vaguely remember one of these things from when I was just a puppy, but it didn't have water in it like this. It was still fun to play in, if I recall correctly. Anyhow, this is a really nice way to stay cool on these hot summer days.


Saturday, August 13, 2016

So this is summer...

I know, I have experienced a summer season before. But I was so young, and everything was new when I was a little puppy, so I don't remember too much about it. Also, we didn't spend nearly this much time outdoors as I do at this place. But rather than simply hang out in the shade during this hot weather, we went down to the beach again this morning.

There was a nice, cool breeze and the water was very refreshing. I like running up and down the beach, sometimes in the water, other times along the sand. I went in to fetch a stick a few times, and I also really like it when one of those cars goes by in the water and makes waves for me to splash through. There was a doggie digging like a crazy puppy in the sand; when I went over to check it out, she lunged at me and bared her teeth. I got out of there quickly!

I also ran around the base of the pier, as another doggy was digging over there. When I went over to check it out, I found that I couldn't get back. So Richie came over and showed me the lowest spot for me to jump over and get back. Whew!

Anyhow, back at the house, there were are all these trucks and stuff set up on the street. Apparently, this is what happens when they are making those moving pictures that I see Christine and Richie watching on that strange window in the house. There were humans there that wanted to meet me, so we went over to socialize with them; I was very well behaved, and did not bark at or try to get away from them. I also noticed they had a bunch of food set up on a table there... mmm... food.

And then this doggie came along to say hi as well. Apparently this is a "Puli", which is a dog that herds sheep in Hungary. Richie thought he looks more like he belongs in Jamaica, but I didn't get that joke.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Meet the Mountain

On this afternoon's walk, we came across another big Berner called appropriately, "Mountain". I was on my best behaviour meeting him, and we did the traditional circling trying to... ermm, get to know each other. He was a big fella like me, but was very easy going and gentle; even though he is only two years old, he behaves like an adult. Is that what I will be like?

Apparently, he's afraid of getting into cars, so he walks everywhere! He was on his way from Main to Oak Street - I have no idea how far that is, but it seems really far to me. Just the other day, after we had walked only a few blocks, I put on the brakes, and refused to let Richie take me any further. I was happy to go back the way we came however... just one of those quirky things we Berners occasionally do.


Sunday, August 7, 2016

A walk in the park

This morning, rather than going for the walk around the neighbourhood, we got into the Rover and drove for a little while. We ended up at a new place called the UBC Endowment Lands. I got to go off leash for our entire walk! I was really well behaved on our walk; I would stop to take in some of the magnificent smells, and then run to catch up to Christine and Richie. After a while, this ended up being too much work, so I decided I should run ahead of them and wait for them to catch up to me.

Here I am playing a little hide-and-seek with them. We saw a lot of other humans and doggies to meet there - I was very tired after a lot of running, so didn't spend much time trying to play with the other puppies we would meet.

Now I'm really tired, and have taken up my favourite napping spot between the counter and the barstools.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

We went swimming!

Ok, when I say 'we', I really mean just me. And what I mean by swimming, is really more like deep wading. So we got into the Rover for another car ride, and we ended up at place by a river.

There was a bunch of other humans there with their doggies, and I went over for a quick sniff and greet. But then I went down for a cool dip in the river. The beach here slopes quickly, so before long, I'd be past belly-deep in the water.

This was the first time Richie and Christine let me off leash, and they let me run back and forth along the beach. I did that a few times, and then would get tired and lie down in the sand. But it was really fun going down there and splashing around for awhile.
