Sunday, March 11, 2007

24 hours behind me...

So I think I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to my new home. You see, I was one of 13 puppies, and at this place, there's only 3 of us, and I'm the only one walking on four legs! I howled and cried all night - so much that Christine and Richie got almost no sleep. At one point, Richie took me down to the cool basement to sleep on the couch. It worked for a while, but I still had major issues.

In the morning, Christine noticed I had hives on my belly - no wonder I'm having trouble adjusting here! So we went off to the emergency clinic, and I got my parts checked out. The nice lady there gave me a shot of Benadryl, and I almost immediately felt better! I even fell asleep on the clinic floor! I came home, had a big lunch, and things don't seem so bad anymore. I am still howling and crying lots, but a little less than last night.

This is one of my favourite places in this big house... lying on the kitchen floor with the beer towel that normally sits under my food and water bowls. There's a lot of places in this house to explore, and I haven't even been to all of them yet! Notice the famous "Bobby-bobsledder" pose - I've mastered this one in anticipation of the upcoming Olympics.

With my itchy tummy, I find that it's nicer to be out on the cool deck, but Christine is worried about me falling down the stairs. So Richie went out the garage to make a gate. I went with him, but found it to be kind of boring, so I cried some more and found a small spot to hang out and watch.

It's been a long, hard day, but I've been learning to pee and poo out on the lawn, which gives Christine and Richie great excitement. Whatever - when they least expect it, I'm going to drop a bomb in one of their shoes.



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