Saturday, March 31, 2007

The infamous Lewis

So this is the dog I've heard so much about - Lewis. He's not so tough... sure, he shows his teeth when he's got one of my toys in his mouth, and I go up to check it out. See, Lewis believes strongly in Doggy rule #7, "If it's on the ground, it's mine". He doesn't seem to want to play with me, but apparently that's his gig - he doesn't like to play with most dogs.

But as you can see, after a while, he warmed right up to me. Lewis' owner, Allan, was teaching Lewis and I how to share a toy. I was too tired from playing earlier in the day with both Idaho and Chips, so I let him play with my stuff. But he had better not get used to this style of behaviour from me. After all, there's a new sheriff in town.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

My universe

So it would seem that this green space behind the house belongs to me. Richie spent all morning building three new, lockable gates just to make sure I have a safe place to play. I am certainly leaving my mark on it - I've learned to pee on command, "Hurry up" is my signal to let it go. However, sometimes I have a little too much to drink, and I can't resist peeing in the kitchen just to see Richie and Christine scurry around to clean it up.

Speaking of cleaning up, what is up with this? I know I dropped a load around here somewhere earlier today, but now I can't find it! Richie and Christine seem to be taking it away - it might have something to do with some puppies that like to eat their own poop. Yuck. You won't catch me doing that. Margerine lids however, well that's not out of the question.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunny day!

We had another great day today. It seemed like Richie worked all day in the yard - something to do with the last three weeks of pounding rain. I however, went for walks with Christine and the kids, played in the yard, and - you guessed it, did a bit of rough-housing on the front lawn with Idaho. I am so pooped out from a full day in the yard that I spent the evening sleeping by the toilet again.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Overnight visitors

This is my new friend, Jaeda. She's Christine's niece, and her and Brooklyn, her sister, came and stayed with us this weekend. Jaeda is 8 years old, and look at how big I am compared to her! I am really having a great time here in Cambie. I get all sorts of visitors that give me lots of love! We watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" on the big screen last night - well, I slept through most of it, but Jaeda put a pillow on the floor and laid down next to me. I think she likes me - who doesn't?


Friday, March 23, 2007

My new girlfriend

This is my next-door neighbour, Idaho. We have become best pals. Sometimes, when Brad and Jamie go out for the evening, like tonight, Idaho comes over for a visit. We play, but not as much as I'd like to. See, Idaho is nice and calm in the house, but that doesn't matter to me. I charge at her and jump up and attack! But when she tries to fight back, she gets a stern, "IDAHO" from Richie. I actually got a "time-out", where I got put in the bathroom for 15 minutes so that I would settle down. Good thing, 'cause I would have tuned her up, and then some.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Watching movies

Here I am, hanging out in the basement with Richie, watching a movie. I actually watch the screen - I'm not sure I understand what is happening on the screen, but it is quite captivating! Sometimes the noise startles me, but I like hanging out down here because the floor is really cool, and there's usually some slippers close by for me to chew on!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My first dog-sitters

So Richie had to go to work for a full day today, and so I got to spend the day with Barb and her kids - and their golden retrieiver, Daisy. They live across the alley (they were the ones with Koko, the Berner that went to doggie heaven, remember?). Man, we had a great time... such a great time, I decided not to pee on their kitchen floor. When I had to go, I cried by the kitchen door until they let me out in the back yard for a pee. The little humans loved me, and I loved them back. I'll definitely be going back there again!

Thanks Barb!


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Big dog trapped in a little dog's body

So on Sunday, Richie's sister came over and brought her Berner, Lupin. She's about 9 months old, and she's a tall, skinny thing. Not like me - I'm about as wide as I am tall! But she still hasn't grown into her adult fur yet, so she'll get fuller as she gets older. Anyhow, I chased Lupin around the yard like crazy! She wouldn't let me catch up to her, but if I did, I'd show her a thing or two. You'd think that being a 20 lb. puppy that I'd be scared of a big dog like Lupin, but it was the other way around. And just when Lupin was ready for some play time, Richie picked me up so I wouldn't get hurt. Whatever - I would have schooled her.

Anyhow, Sarah thought I was the cutest puppy ever - even cuter that Lupin.

Like I didn't know that.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

What is up with this rain?

Today it rained pretty much non-stop. I know this, because I got Richie out of bed around 6:40 am, as I had slept so much, I was busy in my crate with my squeaky toy. From that point, right until now, it's been raining. I actually don't care about the rain, but it seems to have a negative effect on my humans. It's actually kinda fun, cuz when we come back in from the rain, I get toweled off, and for me, it's play time with the towel!

Here I am, sitting on the doorsill that leads out to the deck. I'm watching him run to the garage and back. Richie spent most of the day making me a door that will keep me safe in the "mud room" when they have to go away and leave me home alone. He used an old door that he got from the neighbours, and cut it down to doggie size, and somehow put a piece of plexi-glass in the middle so that I can see through it. That Richie is a pretty handy guy.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Cute wins everytime

So let's get back to my rules. See, you need to understand that as much as you might think what I've done is wrong, I'm not supposed to do it, or it is a "bad dog" thing to do, there's always the cute element that you humans have to deal with. I could pee a huge puddle on the kitchen floor (which I did tonight), and all I have to do is look up, give you my innocent puppy eyes and, you guessed it, I win.

I went to the pet food store yesterday - ok, and the cold beer store - but it was pretty exciting. I met lots of people who wanted to pet me, and even a few dogs. We had to stay clear of them, as we don't really know who's up to date on their shots. But it was pretty exciting... it was my first trip to the 'hood, and it was fun. When we got home, Richie made me a chew toy out of the rope that I like to chew on, and now it is my favourite toy!

Anyhow, I'm pooped out - literally!


Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Sleeping. What better way to pass the time of day. We've been having a grand time over the last couple of days... walking, playing, eating, but most of all, sleeping. While Richie has been working, I sleep in the corners of his office. I prefer small, confined spaces - the spot behind his chair is great. Sometimes however, I find a corner or spot to really get into it - see?

Anyhow, today we went to see the nice man called the vet. I met a really big dog that looked like a Great Dane, but I'm not really sure. All I know, is that he was huge! Right now, I weigh 15 lbs... I can't imagine being that big. But apparently, the vet said I will probably be a bit over average when I grow up - somewhere around 95 lbs! We walked back in the sunshine, and then I had a nice big poo on the grass. Bliss.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rules for dogs

Hi folks. Mischa again. Here I am doing one of my favourite things... eating. I eat three meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner - just like my humans. However, sometimes I'm not ready to eat, but Christine, she goes over and makes like she's going to eat my food! So I run over there, nudge her out of position and start chowing down. Rule #1: if it's on the floor, it's mine.

We had a chance to romp around in the front yard yesterday - since there are too many distractions and no fence in the front, I have to stay close to Christine or Richie. It's still a pretty scary world here for me, but I seem to be taking things in stride. I met small humans (called children) yesterday - they wanted to pick me up and hug me, but their larger human told them not to. I was a little scared at first, but they crouched down and then they weren't so intimidating. They used to have a Berner like me before - Koko - but she's gone to doggy heaven. They have a big golden retriever named Daisy now - I wanted to play, but she was too big for me. Just wait.


Monday, March 12, 2007

A Bright New Day!

That awful water that falls from the sky stopped today, and the sun is shining brightly. Maybe it's that, but I think I'm starting to figure this out. As much as I cry for my brothers and sisters to come join me, none of them come. But this place called "Cambie" is starting to feel more and more comfortable. We went for our longest walk yet this morning - 1 whole block! I'm still not great on a lead, and tend to come around from behind and try to trip up Richie. We meet all sorts of people on the street that want to pet and hug me... I try to jump up and greet them, but I am still too small. Just wait.

But today has been a turning point for me; I've picked out the perfect places to poop and pee in the back yard, and I've laid claim to my favourite spot to lie in the kitchen. In fact, I've figured out how I can eat out of my bowl in the bob-sled position! I've also found a nice, cool spot on the tile in the bathroom... strange how the tile can be warm at one time of day, but cool during another. Add it to the list of things that we dogs will never understand.

Christine has gone somewhere today, and I whined when she left. However, Richie stayed and we went upstairs to a new room I hadn't been to yet. He sat at desk and seemed fixated by a big thing on the desk with images and clicked away on something that I'd surely like to chew on. Instead, I nibbled at his feet and pant legs until I got tired and fell asleep.

Catch you soon,


Sunday, March 11, 2007

24 hours behind me...

So I think I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to my new home. You see, I was one of 13 puppies, and at this place, there's only 3 of us, and I'm the only one walking on four legs! I howled and cried all night - so much that Christine and Richie got almost no sleep. At one point, Richie took me down to the cool basement to sleep on the couch. It worked for a while, but I still had major issues.

In the morning, Christine noticed I had hives on my belly - no wonder I'm having trouble adjusting here! So we went off to the emergency clinic, and I got my parts checked out. The nice lady there gave me a shot of Benadryl, and I almost immediately felt better! I even fell asleep on the clinic floor! I came home, had a big lunch, and things don't seem so bad anymore. I am still howling and crying lots, but a little less than last night.

This is one of my favourite places in this big house... lying on the kitchen floor with the beer towel that normally sits under my food and water bowls. There's a lot of places in this house to explore, and I haven't even been to all of them yet! Notice the famous "Bobby-bobsledder" pose - I've mastered this one in anticipation of the upcoming Olympics.

With my itchy tummy, I find that it's nicer to be out on the cool deck, but Christine is worried about me falling down the stairs. So Richie went out the garage to make a gate. I went with him, but found it to be kind of boring, so I cried some more and found a small spot to hang out and watch.

It's been a long, hard day, but I've been learning to pee and poo out on the lawn, which gives Christine and Richie great excitement. Whatever - when they least expect it, I'm going to drop a bomb in one of their shoes.



Saturday, March 10, 2007

My new home!

Here I am, all of 8 weeks old, getting one last hug from Cathy... she's been taking care of us for 8 long weeks now, and I'm sure it has been a handful! I got to go home with Christine and Richie today - I cried on the way home, well - at least until I fell asleep. It seemed like a long time, but since we dogs have no concept of the passage of time, it could have been a day, or could have been an hour. All I know, is that it's all new to me.

This is me, lying on my new, custom made, day bed (I sleep in a crate) that Christine made so that I can sit with everyone while they watch TV. I have all sorts of toys, and little nursing blankets that smell like my litter-mates. Regardless, I've been whining and howling like a banshee, but none of them come to see me! I decided that I'm going to make this place my own, so despite the fact that Christine put down these silly "pee pads", I've peed at least 3 times in various places around the kitchen/TV room.

We've been out to the backyard (apparently the place I'm supposed to pee), and we've been out for a short walk (long walk for me) to the end of the block. We even met some neighbours with a funky looking dog called a labra-doodle - Chips. Some sort of designer dog that isn't supposed to shed. What is up with that? Despite the selective breeding, she still sheds. Should have gone Berner.
