Saturday, June 2, 2012

Paisley's bucket list

Paisley has been on a diet again, not eating her kibble, and Richie and Christine have been trying to get her to eat anything. What she doesn't eat, I of course help myself to. She's also been to the vet a number of times, and most recently, came back with a shaved tummy again! Turns out she had something called an "ultrasound" - all I know is now she's getting a bunch more attention and has to swallow a bunch of those little white things called "pills".

Apparently we are working her way through her bucket list - the list of things that she wants to do before she "kicks the bucket", so to speak (we're not able to kick like you humans). Paisley doesn't have the energy (or opposable thumbs) to jot these down, so here's what I think is on her list (not all-inclusive):

  • Play "defense" with another dog playing fetch
  • Have a nap in the basement with Richie
  • Roll around in the freshly cut grass
  • Chase real bunny rabbits
  • Eat some raw top sirloin steak
  • Sit on the front lawn and watch people go by
  • Go for a car-ride
  • Choose my own treat at Three Dog Bakery
  • Drink out of the rainwater bucket
  • Stick my nose out the window of the car
  • Win a tug-o-war against Mischa (like that is going to happen)
  • Frolic on the tidal sandbars 
  • Go for a swim with Mischa
  • Have a Fudgsicle

More to come, so stay tuned over the next couple of weeks.


Editor's Note: Paisley's cancer has returned in her liver. While she's not in a lot of pain, she's certainly not feeling great, which affects her appetite. We've got her on Prednisone, and the vet said, "give her anything she wants". So Paisley has been enjoying a diet of hot dogs, chicken, cheese, and cookie treats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sad to hear Paisley's cancer has come back. Hope she gets through her bucket list and then some.