Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Long weekend away

We went away for a long drive recently... longer than our trips to Point Roberts, or a drive to my brother Cooper's place. This seemed like an awfully long trip, as I sure slept lots. We finally arrived at Richie's parent's house in a place called Kamloops. Richie's other brother Daryl showed up with that poo-poo head Harley, who still didn't want to play with me. They also brought their kitty, and surprisingly we got along ok. We'd even lie on the cool floor in the basement together. It was really hot there, so we spent most of my first afternoon and evening there in the air-conditioned house. But after it cooled down, we went out into their backyard. I was so excited, and ran around on the concrete and out onto the blue tarp thing. But what happened! All of a sudden, I was in water, and not like at the beach where my paws are still touching the sand! No, this was full swimming, and I splashed for a few seconds and paddled to a spot where Richie grabbed me by the collar and pulled me out. It turns out they have a "swimming pool", and there is this thing on it at night that makes it look like I can walk on it, but I can't.

Here's Richie showing off, as he jumps into the pool, as I watch, cautiously. The humans spend hours lying by the pool, or in it, apparently to stay cool. I however, stayed on the shady concrete areas, and so I didn't get too hot.

Then on our last day there, Richie's sister showed up with my old pal Barney, and a new cousin named Rosie! She is a 12-week old Newfoundlander, and is supposed to be a water dog, by nature. Richie and Deb tried to get her to swim - not like my experience, but with a floaty thing on, and gradually going into the water, very slowly. She did it, but did not seem to like it - I don't blame her.

Anyhow, after that, we all just hung out in the shade, and even managed to get all of us sitting nicely for a few seconds so that Richie could get another silly picture. After two hot days, we got back in the car and came back home, where I was only too happy to relax on my cool, shady grass.


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