Wednesday, January 25, 2017

No news is good news

My humans were remarking last night, that I've been a very good doggie lately. By their recollection (I have no idea what I did yesterday), it has been about a month since I ate something that I'm not supposed to (sock, glove, stuffed bunny ears, dryer ball), and had to deal with that yucky hydrogen peroxide stuff. I even received a compliment from another human this morning, when she said that I am "very good at heeling" - whatever that means.

It could be how well behaved I am on our walks - as illustrated above, during a pre-Christmas walk in the neighbourhood. While it might look like my black tether is pulled tight - it's not - trust me.

We are back into our routine; now that Christine is back at work during the week, I spend all of my day with Richie. But who's kidding who - I sleep about 21 hours a day! Anyhow, just to keep these humans on their toes, I dug a little hole in the backyard this morning.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Watching "TV"

This is what Richie refers to as my version of watching TV. I lie on the bed, and if the blinds are turned just right, I get to watch what is happening on the street. He doesn't leave the house for very long, but when he does, I like to watch TV.

I don't mind most people walking back and forth in front of my house, and even those yucky black birds (that Richie doesn't like) don't bother me. And now that the snow has finally melted away, there are lots of squirrels running around, digging in the grass for something - nuts, I think. Sometimes however, there is someone doing something strange that I don't like, and I start barking! On other occasions, there is a human that comes right up to the front of the house, but doesn't ring the bell or knock, but they do stick paper things through a slot in the door! That usually gets me going, and I start the high alert.

Anyhow, I can do this for hours - in between naps of course.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Keeping up appearances

The other day, Richie pulled out that thing that makes a buzzing noise, and tried to trim the fur around my ears with it. But I was too squirmy, and he had to use the manual clippers instead. Ha - I showed him!

But here I am, lying patiently, while he trims the fur on my paws. Why the paws you ask? Well, these humans have these slippery floors and stairs, and when my fur grows out a little bit, I have trouble getting traction, and can sometimes fall/slide down the stairs.

Now this, I like. Getting the fur brushed on my belly is the best! Sometimes, I make a game of getting brushed, as I'll try to bite the rubber ends of the brush, or eat up the fur that they collect. But when I'm getting my belly done, it's pure bliss.

After we're done, there's usually a huge pile of fur to pick up - or two (I'm lying on another pile apparently). Berner wool anyone?


Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's Day family meetup!

So they tell me that I have five brothers and sisters, but who can count, really? Anyhow, I spent some time with mom and dad earlier in the summer, but today we went to the park to play in the snow, but who shows up but my brother and sister!

This is my brother Winston (lying down) and my sister Rilee. When we first met again, I didn't really know who they were, and sniffed around while they ran and played.

But it didn't take long for me to get into it with them, running and play-fighting on the snowy field. Rilee and I didn't wrestle, but Winston and I really had some fun!

He's a pretty big guy, but I think I'm just as big as he is, so neither of us ended up getting the upper paw on the other. It's been a while since I've played with a big dog like Winston, and I tired out quickly.

I was happy to lie down in the snow and snuffle up some powder - whew! I don't know when I'll see my brother and sister again, but I hope it is soon!
