Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hi everyone,

Sorry, as I know it has been a long time since the last post. It's been busy here in Cambie, as before you know it, Christmas was here. We actually had Toba here for a brief visit before Christmas sometime, and then over the entire holiday break (whatever that means).

We have been having a great time, as this is the time of the year where both Christine and Richie spend the entire day with us. One evening they had a big party with lots of humans - something to do with a big birthday Richie was having, but I don't get it. All I know is that there was lots of great smelling food around, and plenty of unsuspecting visitors to mooch off of. Richie's parents also came down to stay with us too, so for a pawful of days there, it was a pretty busy house.

On what they call Christmas Eve, we all got into the car and drove to Lupin and Humphrey's place. When we got there, Lupin wasn't around - they had just sent her "over the rainbow" recently. Apparently Humphrey was there when they sent her off, and he's been really sad since then... until we showed up! He followed me everywhere that evening, and everytime Toba would come up, he'd get upset with her. He finally settled down, and she was able to hang out beside him later on.

After all of the Christmas presents had been removed from under the tree, there was finally room for me to wriggle under the tree like I used to do. It is always a little sad when the Christmas stuff gets put away, and I have to wait another year to knock off those shiny, fragile ornaments from the tree with my tail.

As I was saying earlier, there is no lack of food being prepared around here during the holidays. Here's a typical afternoon or evening with Toba and I hanging in the kitchen waiting for some fallout. As long as we are patient (and well behaved), we usually get some sort of tasty morsel.

Like this for instance. Richie has been making lots of pizza, now that he is a self-proclaimed pizza crust master. All I know, is that if we stay close, he will break a few bits off the end, and both Toba and I get to experience a taste of Italy!

After the Christmas hubub was over, we went down to Point Roberts again to celebrate New Year. It was actually very nice weather there, and as you an see Toba and I were hard at work at the beach finding sticks that we could chew into bits.

Back in Vancouver, it's been the same, comfortable routine. Off to the coffee shop in the morning, lie on the bed and bark at the silly human who shoves paper things through the slot in the door, nap in Richie's office, afternoon walk, then lazing about the house for the rest of the evening.

Toba is still doing her thing - laying out on the yard for hours on end, sometimes on the grass, sometimes in the garden. She'll even do it when it's raining, and then wonder why she has to get a big "towel-time" when she wants to come in.

"Who goes there?"
But of course, I spend lots of time out there too, and often we'll take turns looking through the slot in the gate that Richie made so that we can see what's happening on the street. However, it would seem that the slot isn't big enough for two Berners at once.

Anyhow, that's it for now - have a great 2015!


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