Sunday, January 25, 2015

Berner meetup

It's been really yucky and rainy for the last few days, but luckily it stopped when we went to another meetup with some Berners today. As we pulled up in the Rover, I saw lots of other Berners, and I started crying, "let me out!". After we finally parked, we headed down to meet all the other doggies.

There was so many Berners - I didn't know who to greet first. A lot of them would come running up and sniff, and some were constantly chasing others around in circles. I would stick close to Richie and Christine, as I found that with all of the commotion, I sometimes lost track of where they were.

As you can see, it was kinda muddy at the park, so I decided to go for a swim. Richie wasn't too happy about that, as I don't normally swim in the winter, but no biggie. After we had played for a bit, we all got in a line for a photo:

Anyhow, it was fun meeting up with all those other Berners!


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