Sunday, February 14, 2021

I hurt my leg... again

I don't know exactly what I've done, but my leg hurts now. Maybe I was playing too hard in the recent snow we've had? And then there's that damn laminate flooring in the basement - I'm pretty sure that it has made me fall more than once. So when I came back into the house, I wouldn't cross the floor! Richie and Christine thought that I was behaving strangely, so they got me some medicine.

This stuff is supposed to help with my neurotic behaviour, and in truth, it did seem to help me for a little while. I can't taste it, but it supposedly helps me calm down when I get a little out of sorts.

Like this issue, for example. Richie noticed that I was hesitant to cross the bare hardwood on the main floor, so he put out a bunch of towels so that I could get across the room! I know you are laughing, but it totally worked! I can be such a scaredy-dog sometimes.


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