Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Morning walkies

Well, it's been well over a month since this pandemic thing started, and everything has stayed the same for me. Richie and Christine are still here all the time, except when Richie goes out to get human food from the store. On the nice sunny days, we'll all go out for a nice walk n' sniff, like up to the Queen Elizabeth park near my place. 

It is strange however, when we see other humans at the park, we don't go over and meet them - the humans wave but then stay very far apart from other groups. I of course, have little interest in meeting other dogs, so continue wandering around, seeking out the best smells in the park.

Here's another day when we went to the forest park; again, we had to stay apart from other humans we'd encounter on the trails, but it was easy for me - I disregard almost everyone. There's still lots of good water holes to drink from, and it's been good for me to stretch my legs a bit after being cooped up at home.

Just a nice pic of me in the neighbourhood

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