Friday, March 20, 2020

A quick road trip

Recently, we had an impromptu trip up to see Richie's parents in Kamloops. I am getting to be an old hand at road trips, and now we don't even have to stop halfway there for me to sniff around (I never pee mid-drive). Anyhow, it is not as nice up there as it is back home, but I managed to find a small patch of snow! 

As you can see, it's not green (different shade of grey for me) up here yet, but that doesn't stop us from going for walks every morning and afternoon. This little gully is pretty fun to walk through, and there are lots of good smells around here. Apparently this is the path that Richie would take to walk to school every day when he was living here.

Speaking of smells, the flowers are blooming back home, and you know, you have to stop and smell the flowers once in a while. Or someone else's pee.

Anyhow, I'm happy to be back home, as there's lots of talk these days about something called "covid", and I think I'd prefer stay close to home right now.


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