Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year's road trip

Not long after all of the Christmas festivities died down, we got into the car and went for a road trip to Richie's parent's place in Kamloops. I don't mind driving in the car now, as I get to ride in the back seat, close to Richie and Christine. I sleep most of the time anyways.

When we got there, they had snow! We Berners LOVE snow! I mean, we get snow once in a very long while back home, but it seems like this is a normal thing here. We went down to a doggie-friendly area by the river, where there was so much snow!

I ran along and snuffled my nose through the snow, smelling for all the different things that lurked under the surface. When I would come up for air, I'd have snow on my face; sometimes Richie would toss snow at me, and I would try (in vain) to catch it in my mouth.

But after an afternoon of running around in the snow, I am sooo tired! I can barely lift my head off of Richie's chest!


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