Monday, May 8, 2017

My spring vacation

A while ago, Richie and I went for a car-ride (remember the time when I didn't like to go for those?) and after a while, we ended up at Cooper's place! We went out to the backyard to play, and when I came back inside looking for Richie, he was gone! Turns out, they went away on vacation, and left me with Cooper and his humans. I was a little freaked out at first, because Richie and I are almost always together... where was he?

Not to worry, as Cooper and I got along great, and after a while, I settled right in. When we weren't outside exploring (he has a much bigger backyard than I do), digging or playing in the pool, we'd hang out together inside. Wherever he went, so would I. If I got up, he'd come along - we were inseparable. 

Twice the Berner Love on the Bed!
We'd also go on outings to the park or the beach, and we'd play and play! I over exerted myself a bit, one day, and I got limpy again. I'd have something to eat, and then my leg would feel better for some reason. 

We played lots of at the beach again, and I got a bit limpy near the end of our day. When will I learn? But Cooper's humans thought we needed a cleanup, so we went to this place:

Here I am, getting blow-dried after a bath. This is a special doggie-wash section of the wonderful-smelling place that Richie takes me to. I didn't mind too much, and after a short while, we were back at Cooper's place.

And then before you know it, Richie and Christine were there to pick me up! I was excited to see them, and gave them my big Berner hugs! I had a great time with Cooper and his humans, but I'm really happy to be back home with mine.


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