Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Film star

Yesterday, I fulfilled my destiny to be on film (my first name was Brando)! It all started with a car ride to a place I had not been before; it had all of those film trucks and trailers that I have seen parked in front of our house in the past. We parked the Rover, and then we got into another big van that dropped us off at a big place with other humans hanging around. Apparently this is called "Background Holding"; where us budding stars hang out while we wait for our scene to be shot. We spent a long time hanging out here, but I didn't mind, as I was getting lots of attention and love, and even some cuddles from another performer who put a blanket on the ground and sat with me. Everyone wanted to take "selfies" with me - I must be some sort of star?

My human and I get some fresh air waiting for our scene
If I could tell time, I would say we spent hours doing nothing (ok, Richie was reading a book). Once in a while, the "Background Wrangler" would come in and ask for a few performers to come to set to do their thing. Then later on, the crew came in and had their lunch - I got even more attention then. I had mine too, and we would also go for short walks around the set. Then finally, the wrangler comes in and says, "man with dog", and we were off for our scene!

On my first mark watching the AD and crew
Just around the corner from Holding, there were all these humans with stuff hanging about. Another human came up to Richie and gave him instructions on where we were to go, and when to do it. So we went to our "first mark", and waited for our cue to go. Everyone gets ready, and then we hear "Roll sound! Rolling! Background! Action!". The Assistant Director (AD) gives Richie a tap on the shoulder,  and we are off walking past the cameras and actors, and then another human says, "Cut!". We did this three times (I think); you are supposed to do it exactly the same each time, if possible. I performed admirably, walking straight, without being distracted by the other performers, or the other humans, and I didn't look at the camera (which is a no-no). When we finished our scene, I was mobbed again by crew members who wanted to meet and pet me. We then went back to Holding, and after gathering our things and saying goodbye to our new friends, hopped in the van and got taken back to the Rover for another car ride home. What a day - I wonder if I will be on TV again soon?


Editor's note: The TV show, "Somewhere Between", premiered recently, but unfortunately due to the camera angle, Buddy did not get seen in the final cut.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Cooper Sunday

Cooper in mid-flight
We went for a car ride again yesterday, and we arrived at this park by the river, when who should we find there, but my brother Cooper and his humans! We immediately started exploring this new area, and we ran around on the grass and looked for muddy areas to play in. 

Not to worry, because after we got good and dirty, we went down to the river to get cleaned up. I ran back and forth, then up and down the bank, with Cooper chasing me the whole time. We got back up to the play area, and we played chase, and wrestled around on the ground for a bit, so it was back to the river for more rinsing.

"Thirsty anyone?"
It was also great to grab a drink while rinsing off all that mud. For some reason, I still got a bucket wash when we got back to the car. I like to push my head through Richie's legs when he's trying to towel me off, and he ends up getting just as wet as me. BOL!

After another short drive, we ended up at Cooper's place! I explored the backyard with him, and then we sat on the floor as they had lunch. That Cooper kept trying to nip my paws, and so we would end up getting into it right there in the TV room - much to our humans' dismay.

But after a week with Linden, it's really awesome to have another doggie that would actually play with me. I didn't like their stairs however, as they seemed too steep - so I went down on the back patio stairs. I hope we get to do this again soon - thanks Cooper and humans!


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Linden sitting

You know that retriever from the next block down? Yeah, the one that barks at us when we walk by the front of his house? Well, the other day, we went walking down their block, and Christine went into a backyard, and brought Linden home with us! He's a little bit older than me, and I don't think he really likes it when I try to egg him into some wrestling. But I was really good, and I gave him his space.

You can see above, that I'm not crowding him on the bed - he would give a little warning when I was getting in his face too much. For the most part, we spent our days sleeping, so not much of an issue, really.

We went out to the Endowment lands one morning, and that crazy Linden would lie down in the mud puddles! That was ok apparently, so when we got to the big puddle, both of us went in for a dip. It didn't get all the mud off however, and we both got a bit of a cleanup when we got home.

Here's a new spot that I found to sleep in... most of the time, I hop up here at night, and grab a few ZZZs before I move to my next spot. But Linden must have seen me up there, as he decided to try it out:

You'll notice that he doesn't "fill" the space as well as I do however. Anyhow, he spend most of the time sleeping on the bed - something I can't do for very long, as I get too warm up there.

After about 5 days (who can count, really), Linden started to warm up to me, and on a couple of afternoons after returning from our walk, we actually did some wrassling! I went easy on the old guy, as I could have easily taken him.

Here we are, hanging out in the front yard, on Linden's last day with us... the sun came out, and I got a nice brushing out on the grass from Richie. I liked it so much, that I bit him on the bum.
