Thursday, February 16, 2017

Chore day

Today started out like every other day - a leisurely breakfast, then a walk in the neighbourhood. But after Richie did his other stuff around the house, we went for a car ride! Did I mention how much I like going for car rides? Anyhow, we drove for a little while, and then we got out at this awesome smelling place!

Apparently, this is what they call a pet food store - it was fantastic! We walked through the aisles, and I sniffed everything that I could. We met this nice doggie there, and a few others. Then Richie picked up a big bag of my food, and we got back in the car again.

Then after our afternoon nap (I was taking mine in the bathroom on the cool tile floor), I got my ears and paws trimmed. I don't really mind it, but I do squirm around a little, making it as hard for Richie as I can. Supposedly, this makes it easier for me to get traction on the slippery wood floors. Not sure why I need the fur on my ears trimmed however. Anyhow, I think that is it for today... whew!


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