Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A brief update

The other day, we went for another car ride, which I am getting really good at. You see, I used to put up a fuss getting into the car, but now that I know that we usually go somewhere fun, I am jumping right in! Anyhow, we went back to that place called Point Roberts, but when we were almost there, we got out and I got put into this cage!

After a short stay in my holding cell, we continued on to the cabin. I love it there, but it was raining, so we didn't spend much time outside. I wandered around the entire cabin looking for some trouble to get into, but couldn't find anything. We didn't stay long, and got back into the car and went to check out Christine's parents' new house.

Yesterday, Richie emerged from the garage with this thing. Apparently, he made this so I would stop knocking over my water bowl. Something about it however, makes me want to eat even faster, so they have something else in store for me. But anyhow, it's pretty cool - I don't think many other Berners have a surfboard for a feeding station.


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