Sunday, November 29, 2015

What a day!

Each day seems to get a little harder for me - I haven't eaten much at all, and aside from a few nibbles of treats here and there, and some ice chips, I'm down to almost eating nothing at all. So Richie decided it was time for some waffles and bacon for breakfast... 

It didn't work, as I wasn't interested in either the waffles or bacon, much to Toba's delight, as she wolfed down anything that I was offered, and snubbed my nose at. But after they had breakfast, we went out into the cold morning air for our walk.

There's something about this brisk winter air that I like, and we slowly walked around our block, sniffing every few steps, and rolling around on the frosty grass at every opportunity. Toba was keeping a keen eye out for squirrels, but I don't find that interesting anymore.

Later this morning, we went out onto the front lawn to watch the humans pass by. With my new puffy vest, I can spend over an hour (or so they tell me) in the cold without too much trouble. Then our friend Charlie Brown and her humans came by, and we all had a cookie!

We went back in the house to warm up for a little bit, and then we all got into the car and went to the place where Paisley had her last supper. Richie and Christine had the "Legendary combo", but I still wasn't interested. Toba, of course, had her fill of hamburger and fries.

After they finished lunch, we continued on to the dog park at Spanish Banks. It was way too cold to go swimming of course, but a week's worth of frost had accumulated on the grass there - it was almost like snow! I even played a little "keep away" - well as much as I could with my bad leg. We didn't stay too long, as we were all getting a little cold (except Toba), so we went home.

We all hung out in the sunny living room, and Toba decided to snuggle with Christine on the daybed. Richie then made us all turkey dinner - apparently it is US Thanksgiving weekend, but they said this is also my Christmas dinner. I didn't eat any of it, but I licked a little gravy up and then drank some water, which made them really happy. Anyhow, I think I'm off to see Paisley soon - I've been giving Richie and Christine all the hints that I'm ready to move on. Thanks for a great day Toba, Christine and Richie.


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