Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Still more snow!

Well since Richie and Christine got home, it's been snowing constantly! We've been going for fun walks in the snow, and I've been rolling in it, running around and eating it up! It seems funny, because only a week ago, it was warm and sunny, and now all of this snow is here.

 Yesterday, Richie took me up to the dog park, and there were lots of doggies running and playing in the snow! I even got into it with a blue heeler that wanted to play with me. I was minding my own business, digging in the snow, but he came up and got me running around - kind of a rare thing these days.

Then today when we woke up, the snow had finally stopped and the sun has come out again. We went back to the dog park, even though the snow was slowly disappearing, there was still plenty left to romp around in. We played more snowball catch, and I did a little bit of "crazy puppy" in the deep stuff near the tennis courts. What fun!


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