Sunday, June 30, 2013

Canada Day long weekend

Richie and I went to down to Point Roberts by ourselves this weekend. We've been doing our usual stuff; visiting the neighbours, going beachcombing, and hanging out in the sun (and shade). There's a new puppy across the road from us, and I've been getting visits from the chocolate lab next door.

Our first evening, we went to Brian and Rita's for dinner. I had been over visiting earlier, and found something that smelled interesting in the cardboard box. When Brian opened it up, there were a bunch of these things in it.

I didn't quite know what to make of it, but Richie didn't seem scared by it, so I went in for a closer look. 

It was moving slowly, and I was curious, so I moved in for a sniff. Then it tried to grab me with one of it's claws! Lucky for me, it had rubber bands holding the clampy part closed, but I jumped up and moved away regardless.

Yesterday evening, we went over to Rick and Shirley's to have dinner, and that's when I saw one of those strange kittys with the black eye mask. I ran across the road (something I'm not supposed to do apparently) and chased it up the tree.

Richie came over too, but instead of trying to help me get the kitty out of the tree, he was trying to grab me. So instead, we played a terrific game of barky-barky keep-away. I would alternate this with running over to the base of the tree and jumping as high as I could. Finally, Richie gave up trying to catch me, and walked back to the rest of the group, so I came back with him.

After dinner (I got some yummy bits from the various diners), when we were sitting around the fire pit, I heard what sounded like Christine's MINI. I looked up, and sure enough, here it was, slowing down in front of the driveway. I jogged over to have a closer look, and it was Christine! I was so excited - Richie grabbed my leash and we started walking back to the cabin. But Christine was getting away from us, so I started galloping and pulled Richie along with me all the way home.


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