Friday, May 3, 2013

Harley week

Harley got dropped off here for a brief stay recently - we seem to have a lot of other dogs come stay with us temporarily! Anyhow, the weather has been really nice lately, and we've been doing lots of fun things. 

We went down to the beach, and of course, I was digging like crazy in that soft sand. I had a great time, and I think Harley did too. He got fascinated by another little dog there, which is kind of odd for him. 

Christine also took us up to Queen Elizabeth Park where we can run around and explore. I found a squirrel here once - it wasn't moving, and so I didn't find it very interesting - much better when there's a chase to be had.

And here I am playing King of the Mountain - I love climbing on piles of dirt, but in this case, a picnic table will have to do!

Happy Spring everyone!


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