Monday, August 6, 2012

The visiting doggie

This past weekend, a new Berner showed up at our place. I thought this was just some friends of Christine and Richie, but it turns out that the humans were just dropping off their doggie to stay with us! This is Toba - she's apparently my step-niece, or something like that. Anyhow, I don't know how long she's going to be staying with us, but it is nice to have company again.

We got into the Rover and went down to Point Roberts for something called a "long weekend" - we dogs don't understand what that means, but the effect is that we spend 3 sleeps away from home. Just as we were getting to the border however, I decided that something was amiss, and I climbed out of the back doggie area into the back seat. But when I got up there, I found that there was too much gear piled up on the seat for me to be comfortable, so I climbed up into the front with Christine! She didn't seem to like me standing/sitting on her lap, but Richie laughed and laughed. Anyhow, I knew there was a reason why I left the back area, as not 5 minutes later, Toba threw up on the carpet - yuck!

Then when we arrived at the cabin, no sooner had we jumped out of the Rover, when Toba ran straight for the smelly water in the ditch. I know from past experience that I'm not supposed to go in there, but I'm not going to let the new girl show me up, so I ran in there myself! This did not please Christine and Richie, and we immediately got back into the Rover and went to the beach to "get cleaned off".

We did all the usual things that we normally do at Point Roberts - go for walks to the beach, go swimming, look for dead/smelly things to roll around in at low tide, and sleep in the shady areas of grass. It was really hot this weekend, and we spent a lot of time lying around. I think Toba really enjoyed herself - especially having everyone hang out with us every waking hour of the day.

One evening when we went for our walk down to the beach, these two big doggies were standing right by the fence! Toba and I strained at our leashes, as we wanted to get closer for a sniff, but we were held back tightly.

All in all, another great trip to Point Roberts, and I think Toba enjoyed herself.


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