Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summertime activities

Summer has definitely arrived now. The sun rises every morning and heats things up around here, but we manage to stay cool by hanging out on the concrete patio or lazing about in the shade on the grass in the backyard.

This sunny weather has us doing lots of fun activities. We went down to the beach and swim; ok I swam, but Toba would only go in up to her belly. There was lots of doggies around, and we played in the water until we got cooled down.

Toba and I eagerly await a treat
Then we went back to the grassy area by the Rover and Richie and Christine had a picnic. We had to sit there while they ate yummy bits of bread, meat and cheese. I drooled. Eventually, we got a few bites and we were happy.

One of the other things I like, is eating frozen blocks of water... here I am chomping away on one that Christine just gave me.

We also went down the river on another day; I think the the water is better-tasting here. Again, Toba seems to want to come in and swim with me, but she turns around as soon as she gets belly deep in the water. Maybe she doesn't know how to swim?


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