Saturday, February 27, 2010

Winter Olympics!

The long wait for something called the "2010 Winter Olympics" is finally over! I don't quite know what all the fuss is about, but it has something to do with stuff on the TV, as we are either watching it, or Christine and Richie leave us alone for what seems like hours at a time. What was fun however, is that our cousin Max came to stay with us for two weeks! He's a lot of fun to have around, even if he does kinda get under-foot when we are going for walks.

Speaking of walks, one day we went out to the street (showing our Canadian colours) and there was a huge crowd of people - apparently we were waiting for something called the "olympic torch" to go by. All I know is that we got lots of attention, and people were taking pictures of us.

Here we all are, out for a walk near the curling venue for the olympics, posing infront of the venue monument. It's funny, because the big grassy field that we normally run around on is fenced in, and we're not allowed to go in there - who knows why.

When we got around the far side of the field, we ran into these policemen - one was even a dog handler! They were supposed to be guarding the venue from terrorists, but since there were none there, we went over and got some attention from them.

There you have it - that was our Olympic experience. Go Canada!


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