Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting older...

I don't feel any different - but they tell me that I am 2 years old today - Happy Birthday to me! But I guess I have been growing up... there was a time where you couldn't leave a piece of cardboard unattended or a garbage can lid open - there would have been consequences of that, and frankly, I can't be held responsible for these situations. Don't get me wrong - the old rule of "if it's on the floor, it's mine" still applies, but these days I'm not as obsessive about it. Sometimes, I'll even find something neat on the floor, but I'll bring it over to Richie to see if it's ok if I continue chewing on it. And I still like to dig holes in the lawn, especially Christine's garden, but it's only every once in a while, and no longer a weekly occurrence.

I've actually become fairly predictable in my old age - sure, there is always going to be a few minutes of frantic puppy syndrome, but I think the days of tearing around the house with a sock in my mouth are starting to wind down. It's been a really long time since the dreaded squirt gun has come out, and the only threat of getting wet comes when I start barking in the house. I guess I really am getting old.

Happy Birthday to all my brothers and sisters out there!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Ladies...
I just had my Danni ... the little human that looks after me show me your page.
Really cool ... and both of you seem nice.
I will chat with you again soon
Kodaboy in Calgary