Saturday, January 24, 2009

Special picture day

It was another exciting day for Paisley and I today. We went for another road trip to Richie's sister's place, and we played with our Berner cousin Lupin and all of her toys. There was this awesome squeaky toy that we all wanted, so whoever had it got chased by the others. After a little while there, we got back in the Rover and drove down to the place where I was born!

When we got inside, there were a bunch of my sisters and one of my brothers! Even my old friend Mercedes was there; she was very calm - much more relaxed than when she was staying with us. Apparently she is pregnant, and will be having puppies of her own! I hadn't seen them all in such a long time, but we all got along like the family we are - no barking, biting, or even any hijinx. Here's Paisley, me and Mercedes lined up for what we thought was a treat, but we weren't allowed to eat anything this morning for some reason.

Anyhow, one after another, my siblings would disappear into the back room for 20 minutes or so, and then come out all dopey and slow... I didn't care - I was getting plenty of attention and quality time with my old family members and their humans. But then it was my turn - I went in the back and was given something that made me sleepy. I then had to stand still while they took pictures of my insides. Apparently, I have great joints... I don't really know what that means, but I hear that it will be important to me as I get older. A little while later, I was led back to Richie and Christine and was very happy, but still sleepy.

But we're home after a long drive, and I had a nice big dinner and I think I'll sleep for the rest of the evening.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A different kind of doggie

So we went for our afternoon walk when Richie got home from work today, and we came across a strange doggie that I hadn't seen in the neighbourhood before. Sure, we saw the big fella from the next block, who always barks and acts mean to me, but this one was different. He was running along the road, no collar, no leash, no owner. I wanted to greet him, but Richie sensed something was wrong, and held us back. Sure enough, he too, didn't want to come see us, and as he ran in our direction, he ducked across a yard and zipped down 23rd.

Richie figures it was a coyote - too big to be a fox he said. However, it was still a lot smaller than either me or Paisley, but let's face it, street brawlers, we're not. I think the mere sight of us (185 lbs. combined weight) was probably enough to scare him off, not to mention the tall human standing beside us. But I think we could have taken him - you should see how ferocious Paisley can be sometimes. Nevertheless, it wasn't an everyday occurrence - unlike the numerous squirrels that we see almost everyday.



The other day, Richie was working at home, and we were relegated to the basement/outside again. But after lunch, he let us stay upstairs - I went up into his office and slept quietly on the floor beside him, while he tapped away on that thingy. Mischa however, stayed downstairs, and when we went down to check on her, guess who was sunning herself on the bed!

There was Mischa, wagging her tail like there was nothing wrong with lying on the bed - it's where the best sun rays come in, after all. I of course would do nothing of the sort, and would only lie on my (ok, "our") bed in the TV room, as demonstrated below.

But every once in a while, when Christine lets us, we somehow manage to sneak up on that cozy, soft, human bed... like last night for instance:


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting older...

I don't feel any different - but they tell me that I am 2 years old today - Happy Birthday to me! But I guess I have been growing up... there was a time where you couldn't leave a piece of cardboard unattended or a garbage can lid open - there would have been consequences of that, and frankly, I can't be held responsible for these situations. Don't get me wrong - the old rule of "if it's on the floor, it's mine" still applies, but these days I'm not as obsessive about it. Sometimes, I'll even find something neat on the floor, but I'll bring it over to Richie to see if it's ok if I continue chewing on it. And I still like to dig holes in the lawn, especially Christine's garden, but it's only every once in a while, and no longer a weekly occurrence.

I've actually become fairly predictable in my old age - sure, there is always going to be a few minutes of frantic puppy syndrome, but I think the days of tearing around the house with a sock in my mouth are starting to wind down. It's been a really long time since the dreaded squirt gun has come out, and the only threat of getting wet comes when I start barking in the house. I guess I really am getting old.

Happy Birthday to all my brothers and sisters out there!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Paisley and I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very prosperous and happy New Year!