Monday, December 22, 2008


Well, it has been nothing but excitement here lately... Richie's brother has arrived at our house, and so has the snow! We've been spending a lot of time over at Hillcrest Park, running around and chasing each other. Then we really got a lot of snow, and Richie's other brother Mike came over with his little human, Justin. We all went to the park in over a foot of snow!

Here I am giving chase to Richie as he makes for 1st base... he's pretty fast with those long legs, but I caught him!

The snow was so deep that I have to jump like the bunny next door to get moving - of course my ears flop around like the bunny too!

Paisley was having a gas too - she likes to run along in the snow and then stick her nose down and snuffle up the snow and stuff! I'm not sure what she's looking for, but when she comes up for air, there's always a bunch of snow sticking to her face, which makes her look kinda funny. She's pretty good at getting around in the snow too, and we would chase each other around, "joust", or wrestle in the snow.

Here you see me with my classic, "go for the jugular" attack on Paisley, while she attempts to get away.

Here is just one of our many wind sprints that we did that day - somehow Paisley managed to get a head start on me, but I am in hot pursuit! But I tell you, it is hard work running around in snow that deep - I'd have to stop and lie down and catch my breath once in a while. Christine also decided to lie down and try and make a "snow angel", but Paisley and I wanted to see what she was up to, and messed it all up.

Anyhow, I hope you are all having fun in the snow - I hear there is more to come!


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