Monday, May 21, 2007

Are we there yet?

Ok, I don't think I signed up for this. 5 hours in the back of the car to go someplace that I don't even know. Sure, we stopped a couple of times, and I got to get out and stretch my legs and do my business, but what the heck?

Finally, we get there, and that grumpy bum Lewis wasn't nearly as grumpy as he has been in the past. I give him his space, and he doesn't get too upset. We even had a little fun together. I would hang out with him at the front of the house during "happy hour" and we would drink from the same bowl at the same time!

The next day, Christine, Tasha and Lewis went for a long walk to see these things called "rock ovens" that the chefs used to make food for the railway workers. I couldn't go, because I can't walk that far - good thing, as it looks like a big disappointment anyways. Instead, Richie, Al and I walked down to visit some friends who had two chocolate labs and a "rat dog" - their names were Fin, Big Bear and Little Bear respectively. I wanted to play with the big dogs, but the only one that wanted to play with me was Little Bear.

Later, back at the house, Lewis and I were actually playing together - well, Lewis would fetch the ball and I would chase him. We were hanging out in the sun, when we heard something rustling in the bushes. Christine thought it might be a mouse, so we went in together to investigate. What fun!



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