Monday, May 3, 2021

Now my leg really hurts!

So I tried to follow Richie up the stairs earlier, but there is that baby gate thingy (who are you callin' a baby?) in the way. So when I turned around to go back down to the bottom, I guess I missed a step, and came down hard on my wrist. YOW! Did it ever hurt! I just stood there for a few moments, paw off the ground, as Richie came quickly to soothe and comfort me. I don't know what I did, but now I can barely put any weight on my paw, it hurts so much.

I got some more peanut butter, and after a little bit, the pain subsided, and I was able to settle down in the basement. Christine brought down my baby blankie (I can be a baby sometimes), and so I immediately laid down on it. They have decided to move into the basement now, rather than having me go up and down the stairs, putting more stress on my leg.

We all eat our meals down there, and Richie sleeps in the basement with me now too. Of course I can still go out through my special door to do my business, but I try to hold it for as long as I can, so that I don't have to get up as much. Aside from getting peanut butter now four times a day, this kinda sucks.


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