Friday, December 25, 2020

A very Covid Christmas

This thing called "pandemic" never seems to end. And this year, it seems to have impacted the Christmas season. See, normally, there would lots of great smelling foods and snacks around this time, but apparently since there will be no humans visiting, they aren't preparing very much. Sure, the tree that doesn't smell like a tree is back, but there are almost no presents under there for me to shred the paper off of. I still got to lick the plates after they had their turkey dinner, so at least that part was the same.

And what about snow? I thought we normally get snow around Christmas, so that I can go frolicking in the park? But this year, we had to settle for a really heavy frost one morning, and so we went to the park to check it out. If you squint your eyes a bit, you can pretend it is snow instead.

We didn't go visit Christine's parents this year, as that wasn't allowed, apparently. Even so, we still got dressed up for our annual family Christmas photo in front of the tree - look at me in a tux!


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