Sunday, July 12, 2020

A big walk with my extended family

So this morning, we got into the car and went on a long drive, and when we got there, who was waiting for us, but my brother Cooper and step-sis River, and also my cousin Rosie!

It was that place I had been to before, with the water that runs beside the path that the humans walk on. We prefer to go down and splash around in the water of course. Rosie, being a Newfie, is made for this!

Every once in a while, I'd stop to munch on some grass, or grab a drink from the little stream. We'd go up and down, and back and forth - it was definitely a big dog day. 

Finally, after we've all had enough of trouncing around in the water, we all get called up to the path and are told to walk nicely - i.e. not get muddy again before getting back into our cars.

These excursions really wipe me out... now I can barely keep my eyes open. It was still fun catching up with my extended family however.


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