Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Socks are not for eating

Well, I did it again. Yep, I ate some socks. I couldn't help myself... they were lying under some stuff in Richie's room, and so when I found them, I knew I had to have them! I swallowed both of them whole - just to make sure that no one would take them away from me. Anyways, a couple of days later, I wasn't feeling so good, so I barfed one out. But I still didn't feel good, and despite wanting to eat my dinner, I'd quickly barf it back out. 

"I feel strange, but need to pee."
So Richie took me to a new dogtor, this one is special apparently. They gave me something to relax, and took a special picture of my stomach, and found that the sock was lodged at the bottom of my stomach, blocking the exit. So then I had a little nap, and then woke up with a sore throat - apparently they got the other sock out via "endoscopy", whatever that means. 

Richie got me home, and was relieved that they managed to get the sock out without having to operate. They have had to do that before with me, as I guess I ate some stuff when I was with my first owners; might have been a Barbie doll, but can't remember anymore. Now I'm really tired, and hungry.

"Sorry I ate your socks Richie."
I think I have learned my lesson now - socks are not for eating.


Monday, February 17, 2020

A quick jaunt to the Point

Christine's parents weren't using the cabin, so we loaded up the car for a quick trip to Point Roberts. It's a great time of year for me down there, as it is really cool still, and I can walk for quite a while without getting tuckered out.  

We walked (and I beachcombed) on a different beach one day, just to try something different. There are always such good smells down there - it's like a whole different world to me. I am usually well-behaved when I'm searching out stinky stuff - unlike my predecessors Mischa and Paisley, who would look for dead fish and other things to pick up. Yuck!

It's too cold for swimming, but I still went in to the water a few times, but just up to my elbows and knees. That kept Christine and Richie happy for some reason... I'll find something to make that change.
