Tuesday, June 26, 2018

It's my birthday!

Can you believe it? I'm an adult now. Yep, all of three years old; there's a saying for us Berners, "Three years a young dog, three years a good dog, three years an old dog, and all else is a gift". So I guess I am a good dog now.

Truth be told however, I think that Christine and Richie would say that I have been a good dog for quite some time now. It's been so long since I've eaten a pair of socks or gloves that I can't even remember. And digging in the lawn or garden? That's all but a thing of the past. Yep, I've matured into the model Berner - if a little bit on the couch-potato side. Yep, I can hold down the floor with the best of them, and sometimes getting me to go out for my afternoon walk can be a bit of a struggle. But when I do go, I rarely get skittish around new people (especially men), and can't wait to get pets from the kids in the neighbourhood. I rarely bark, and if I do, it's usually to make my presence known to those strange humans poking around in the alley. Squirrels, kitty-cats and the mailman are all safe from me. I do play once in a while, usually when I have something that I'm not supposed to have, and we play keep-away for a few mins. Or it's when I get together with my brother Cooper, who can be a bit relentless when it comes to tussling. But other than that, it's a calm, care-free lifestyle for me over here in Cambie. Let's see what adulthood has to offer!


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