Monday, August 28, 2017

Another Cooper visit

We took another car ride yesterday out to Cooper's place, for something called "Game of Thrones" night. I don't know what that is, but we spent the first part of the evening hanging out and eating pizza! Ok, so I didn't get any, but I know pizza when I smell it. Cooper would not leave me alone, and was constantly trying to take me down by grabbing my front legs in his jaws.

I mean, I didn't back down much, but when I got tired of it, I'd try to go somewhere away from him so that he couldn't bug me. At least with my head tucked between Richie's legs, he couldn't attack me from the front.

We were also hanging out on the deck, and I figured that since the blanket smelled like Cooper, that it was ok to hop up there and hang out too. But it was hot lying up there, so I didn't last too long.

After they ate, we all went downstairs and they sat and watched the moving picture thing. Cooper was relentless again, so they had to set up a barrier so that he couldn't get in and get at me... whew! But all in all, it was a fun night at Cooper's place, again.


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