Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Mischa asked me to write a few words for her after she went on to see Paisley, over the rainbow, as they say.

It's been tough for Richie and Christine for a little while, and especially over the last week or so, as we've all known that Mischa wasn't well. I could smell it, and they could tell by her behaviour and lack of appetite that things were amiss. But Mischa was a stubborn character - even with her bad leg, she'd try to run around the backyard and even tried to take a nip out of the mailman yesterday!

I've known Mischa for quite some time now - they tell me it is over three years! In that time, we've gone from strangers to best friends, and she (along with Richie and Christine) made me feel like this is my second home. I know I can be a bit of a pawful sometimes, but Mischa was very tolerant of me, even when I was scooping up crumbs that would fall out of her food bowl. That's just the kind of bear that Mischa was - easy to get along with, and everyone loved her. We couldn't go two blocks without someone stopping to pet us, and Mischa would promptly lean against them, or sit on their feet.

Mischa was a very gentle soul, and even when I tried roughhousing with her, she'd let me play a little, but when it got to be too much for her, she'd go and hide behind Christine. When we'd go to the beach, Mischa would go in and swim, tempting me to give it a try, but I would never go full in. But we spent many afternoons digging in the soft, wet beach sand (as well as Christine's garden and Richie's lawn) and Mischa was always there egging me on. She taught me how to bark at the strange people collecting cans in the back alley, and showed me all the best lawns for wriggling around on back.

I already miss her, and I can tell that Christine and Richie do as well. It's been almost nine years since Mischa brightened their lives, and by most accounts, gave them almost two more years than you can really expect from us Berners. Her ability to bring a smile to your face, make you laugh out loud, or simply warm your feet by the fireplace, will not soon be replaced.

I'm staying on here a little longer, as my humans prepare for the next chapter in my family's life - a move to Montreal! I don't know what that means yet, but I hear they all speak French there. In the meantime, I'm happy to hang out here, and help Richie and Christine through this transition period.

We love you Mischa.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear of Mischa's passing. I've enjoyed reading your blog over the years and will hug my berner a little closer tonight.