Sunday, June 21, 2015

Summer is coming...

Well, if you aren't a Game of Thrones fan, you won't understand the joke. See, there's this thing that plays on the moving picture screen, and it takes place once a week in the spring. We go over to our friend's place and have dinner, then the humans watch it. Because Tyson is allowed up on the couch, so am I.

But summer is definitely coming. We've been down to Point Roberts a couple of times recently.

 Here I am trying to stay cool in the shade from the Rover, when the two Harley dogs came over from across the street. They are much nicer to me than Harley is, as they don't nip at my bum! They quite like me actually, and the come right up and give me kisses, which I try to avoid, of course.

 Out on the sand bars during low tide, there's lots of place to run around, but not for me. I'm getting too old for that now. I did make a vain effort to chase after a long-legged bird, but it flew away before I could get very close.

 Christine gave me a bowlful of ice chips the other day - I love chewing on ice, but only if it is little, small pieces. It's a great way for me to quench my thirst and have some fun doing it.

And here's a familiar thing for me... to dig a little burrow under the deck so that I can avoid the mid-day sun in the cool dirt. All of this, and summer is just starting now.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Backyard antics

I have been known to bark a bit - okay, sometimes a lot - at Dexter, the Jack Russell next door. I'll stand on the landing at the edge of the deck, and bark/jump at him while he does the same. This seems to irritate Christine and Richie, for reasons I don't understand. They like me to bark at strangers, and anyone mucking about in the back alley, but why not this? Anyhow, the other day, I went out to bark at Dexter, and found this:

I can still see around it and can tell when Dexter is in the backyard, but it's taken the fun out of it. As you can see, both Toba and I were very chillaxed, even though that little aggressor was just on the other side of the fence.

Here's another funny one - me sitting on the landing, but who is that in the distance? Toba in the garden again. I thought it was funny, so I went into the other garden area, and dug out a spot for myself.

Anyhow, it's going to be a hot next few days, so you won't see much activity from me... Toba has the right idea, hiding in the garden.
