Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dog, is it ever hot!

This last week or so, it's been really hot here. I mean, so hot, that I don't like to walk very far. Even in the morning, we go for our walk to Starbucks, but instead of the "circle route" back home, we stay in the shade on Cambie street. I spend almost all day in the basement, sleeping on the cool floor down there, or outside on the concrete patio.

In the afternoons, we don't go out, at least not until later, and when we do, we keep to the tree-lined street so we can stay in the shade. I like that anyways, as that's where all the squirrels hang out. Just the other day, two of them were chasing each other around the tree trunk, only a few feet away from me!

Yesterday however, after the sun went down, I got a bit of energy, and decided it was time for some barky barky keep away. Notice at around 0:06 how I like to "swivel" around on my elbows before taking off:

What fun! But I can't wait for things to cool down a bit... I think Richie would like that too.


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