Monday, February 7, 2011

Overnight at the Point!

Hi everyone - sorry for the delay posting. Richie has been lazy, and I have a tough time working the keyboard on my own. Anyhow, we decided to go down to Point Roberts again this past weekend, and when we got there, it was low tide!

It was still pretty cool down there (not as cold as our New Year's Eve stay), so Richie and Christine wouldn't wade in the ocean with us. But Paisley and I ran in and out of the water, and chased each other around.

That evening, we were tired from all our hijinx, and I passed out on the floor by the fire. Paisley on the other hand, decided she needed to cuddle with the humans on the couch!

On our way home, we came across this big pile of snow! I didn't understand how there could be all of this snow here, because it was pretty warm during our stay down there. We didn't care however - Paisley and I climbed all over and munched away at the snow.

As always, another fun trip down south!


Editor's note: The snow is actually the shavings from the public ice rink in Tsawwassen.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

That is sad that your girl's have to play/eat skating rink ice snow. I think you owe it to them to take a winter vacation to the great white north and let them have a romp in real snow with their pals from Edmonchuck. xo