Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The other day, Richie was upstairs doing whatever it is that he does, locked away in that room for hours on end. Anyhow, I decided to go to my new favourite vantage point - the bed! See, when I'm standing at the window, I can barely see over the window sill. But when I'm lying on the bed, I can clearly see what is happening out there on the street. The mailman walks by, doggies go by with their humans (I bark, but they don't see me), and there's lots of people-watching.

Anyhow, it was a beautiful sunny day, and after I got tired of watching the goings-on outside, I took a nap. It was awesome, as I could just lie there, and the sunshine would warm my tummy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're definitely sisters, I do that too! We have matching shirts!
