Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another summer vacation!

Well, we finally got to find out what Richie has been doing in the garage for the last 6 weeks. It all started on something called "Canada Day", when Richie and Christine were busy running around all morning packing stuff up. I was getting anxious, as I could have thought for sure that they were going to leave us (or me) behind. Not that there's been any track record for being left at home, but I was whining by the gate nonetheless. Anyhow, after a few hours of organizing, Richie pulled this thing out of the garage, and attached it to the back of the Rover. He opened the door, and I ran right in - not like I'm going to miss out out on any of this action!

We actually drove to Richie's parent's place, where we have been before. They spent a lot of time swimming in the pool, but since I couldn't figure out how to wade in, I didn't go swimming myself. Paisley and I just hung out in the shade and pooped in Grampa Chin's orchard.

After a couple of sleeps, we got back in the Rover and went to a campsite where we met up with our friends Greg, Shannon, Bentley and a new doggie named Breton. We immediately went swimming in the lake - you can see me in the picture above returning from an attempt to try and catch a duck and her baby ducklings - dog are they ever fast!

But it was really hot up there - something like 34ยบ C - that is, if I could read a thermometer. So when we got back to our campsite, we had to hang out in the shade on the grass beside our new tent trailer. This was a good time for Richie and Greg to drink beer, prepare dinner, and drink more beer. Followed by wine and then a scotch before bedtime. I can tell when Richie has been drinking all that stuff, as we dogs have very keen noses, and Richie, well he smells like booze in the morning.

Speaking of the tent trailer, here it is, after Richie and Christine unfolded it for us. It is really neat, as there is plenty of space for Paisley and I to sleep on the part of the trailer that is on the ground, while Richie and Christine get to sleep on the elevated section. I kinda miss being able to trample all over them in the middle of the night, but I think they prefer it when Paisley isn't trying to lie on their heads! I was also able to come and go throughout the night - I had my tether attached to the tent trailer, and I decided that I preferred sleeping outside.

Here's Paisley sneaking up on Christine's lap (again) for a photo opportunity. I really enjoy being out here camping, but I think after a couple of days, Paisley really wanted to go home. She didn't tell me that, but you could see it in her behaviour - she was ready to get back in the Rover at the drop of a hat.

After three sleeps, we got what we were waiting for - cooler weather and some rain. Here we are that morning hanging out under the awning so that we don't get wet. I don't really mind the rain, but it sure seemed to get the humans bent out of shape for some reason. Anyhow, it didn't really last long, and by that evening, it was sunny again!

The next day, we packed up our stuff, and hopped back in the Rover for a long drive home - well it might have seemed that way, but Paisley and I slept almost the entire trip, so we didn't really care. We did get a bath (again!) when we got home, but for some reason, I am still really itchy. Oh well, I am getting a lot of attention from Richie and Christine, as well as a dollop of peanut butter every 6 hours).


(editor's note: Mischa contracted a heat rash from spending so much time in and out of the water, so what she thinks is just peanut butter, is really a Benadryl caplet disguised inside)

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

just a cooment about the heat rash Fletcher has same problem but then he is in the water almost every day so it is hard to control what dose is she getting per day my email is