Monday, April 27, 2009

Here's Humphrey!

Richie's sister came over on the weekend with Lupin and our new cousin Humphrey!

Here we are greeting our new 5-month-old cousin... as you can see, he's already pretty big for his age. He's surprisingly calm for a puppy - I was a lot crazier when I was his age. He actually has a whole different disposition than us Berners... apparently as a flock guardian, he is supposed to patrol the perimeter to make sure the sheep are safe from the wolves. So when he was here, he would walk around the fence and check things out, rather than attack us (like I would do). Funny huh?

Anyhow, he's really cute - not as cute as I was when I was a puppy, mind you. But nonetheless, he's still welcome here anytime.


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