Saturday, March 10, 2007

My new home!

Here I am, all of 8 weeks old, getting one last hug from Cathy... she's been taking care of us for 8 long weeks now, and I'm sure it has been a handful! I got to go home with Christine and Richie today - I cried on the way home, well - at least until I fell asleep. It seemed like a long time, but since we dogs have no concept of the passage of time, it could have been a day, or could have been an hour. All I know, is that it's all new to me.

This is me, lying on my new, custom made, day bed (I sleep in a crate) that Christine made so that I can sit with everyone while they watch TV. I have all sorts of toys, and little nursing blankets that smell like my litter-mates. Regardless, I've been whining and howling like a banshee, but none of them come to see me! I decided that I'm going to make this place my own, so despite the fact that Christine put down these silly "pee pads", I've peed at least 3 times in various places around the kitchen/TV room.

We've been out to the backyard (apparently the place I'm supposed to pee), and we've been out for a short walk (long walk for me) to the end of the block. We even met some neighbours with a funky looking dog called a labra-doodle - Chips. Some sort of designer dog that isn't supposed to shed. What is up with that? Despite the selective breeding, she still sheds. Should have gone Berner.


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