Thursday, November 5, 2020

Fall is here

The days seem to be getting shorter, and the nights are definitely cooler - I should know, as I sleep outside for a while most nights. But it's perfect weather for me to go on longer walks, as I don't get too overheated during this time of year. We even went out to the big forest park for a long walk n' sniff, as I like to call it. I just wish that Christine and Richie would walk slower, so I had more time to smell it all in. 

I also went back to work with Richie recently on a TV show called "Kung Fu". I have no idea what that is all about, but I had a great time with him, walking around in a park in an area called "Yaletown". As usual, I got lots of attention and pets from the humans working there, and even got recognized by a policeman who was working with us long ago on "A Million Little Things". I must be famous.

I think I've said this before, but this is my favourite time of year. Not just because the temperature is cooler, but there are all of these leaves that have fallen now, and the humans are so kind to make big piles of them for me to rummage through (and pee on). 

And sometimes, usually on weekends (but Richie and I don't understand the concept of weekdays vs. weekends), Christine will come with us on our neighbourhood walkabouts. It's so colourful right now - I just wish I could see them.


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