Thursday, April 20, 2017

Charlie's visit

I have met this little doggie on other occasions, when Christine takes me out for a walk with her human. But the other day, Charlie got dropped off at our place to stay with us!

Ok, so she's not too fond of me - I've been told that I can come on a bit too strong sometimes. She growls at me when I'm getting a little too close, and so I have to keep my distance. As much as I try, she really doesn't want anything to do with me. Even when we go for our walks, she stays on the other side of Richie, so I can't get in her face.

This is pretty much the only time she will allow me to be nose-to-nose with her - when one of us is on the other side of the door. I go out, she comes in. I come in, she goes out. Hmm... I think there is a message here, but I'm not getting it. Anyhow, after 2 sleeps, she went back to her human. Oh well.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Is it finally Spring?

We dogs are pretty smart, and can tell when things are-a-changing. Like when we had all of that snow a while ago - that signifies the season that humans call Winter. When it's really hot, and all I want to do is hang out on the cool tile - that's Summer. Anyhow, I think it is Spring now, as Christine and Richie are doing more things outdoors. Like the other day, when Richie put some weird shoes on that had spikes on the bottom - he walked slowly around the backyard, apparently "aerating" the grass. All I know, is that he wouldn't play with me while he had those silly shoes on. So I bit him on the bum.

And then today, we went for a nice walk out to the UBC Endowment Lands again. I like going there, but sometimes the humans don't want to go because it will be too muddy - whatever. It was great today though, and all of the water holes were fresh and clear. Great for cooling my paws and getting a much needed drink!

Back at the house, Richie was busy in the garage doing something - I heard some noisy stuff, and then he was washing the things on the bottom of the car that go around... "changing the tires" or something like that. I guess it really is spring? Then we went out to the front yard, and I got some brushing, and then a little ear trimming. I make like I'm putting up a fuss, but it doesn't really bother me - it's just fun to make Richie work harder to get it done. Anyhow, I'm glad Spring is finally here, cuz it means that we will be spending more time outside.
