Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Two months

So they tell me that it has been two months since I arrived at this place - we dogs have no concept of time, nor can we count. But I've really settled into a routine here, so much so that it's a little boring. Don't get me wrong, it's great here, but things are almost the same every day. Same food, same schedule, same humans. It's enough to make a puppy like me calm down.

Like this for instance. Every afternoon, after we've gone for our afternoon walk, we often hang out on the deck, and I wait for Christine to come home. I have almost gotten used to the sound that the garage makes when her car comes home, and I get excited.

Sometimes however, I just like to hang out on the deck when Richie sits out there with me. I'm not much of an outdoor doggie, like my predecessor was. As soon as it gets too cool for him, we both go inside, and he'll watch that window thing in the living room.

That's ok by me too, and I'll take up one of my favourite spots, lying right at his feet, and he'll give me a pat on my head before I have a snooze. Sometimes, they come and lie with me on the floor, and I cuddle with them. I'm looking forward to spending more time here - who knows, maybe I'll even become predictable for these humans!


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