Sunday, July 31, 2016

The big ball

I have been having fun hanging out in the backyard, and when I need a bit of play time, I can find that funny egg thing to roll around. But then the other day, these humans brought out a new ball for me to play with - what fun!


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Puppy socialization

Well, it's been a couple of sleeps since I've been over at this new place... an area called "Cambie" or something. It has been home to other Berners apparently, and there are lots of smells here that indicate that this is a doggy-friendly zone. We've been doing lots of hanging around in the backyard here, and I've had these humans around pretty much every minute.

If we are not playing, I follow these humans around like a shadow, and sometimes lay on top of them (when I can). They have this nice green (dark shade of grey to me) grass to lay on, and I have done a few "crazy puppy" laps around the yard when the urge hits me.

But for the most part, it's lots of lying around and sleeping for me. This is a spot I like - on the cool tile patio, underneath Richie's hammock. He seems to spend a lot of time there... hmmm.

Then these other two doggies showed up... apparently they are from similar mountain regions to me, as they are big mountain dogs too. I was scared by them at first, as they are really big. But after a short while, I realized that I too, am a big dog, and started to play with them. In fact, I would say that I got the upper paw on Barney during our wrestling matches, as he would roll onto his back as I grabbed his ears and neck fur. It was really fun having these two doggies here, but I got a bit too excited, and Richie gave me his "I'm the big dog" treatment, where he pins me down until I calmed down. I wonder where he learned that.


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hi. My name is Buddy.

I am just over a year old. I have had a bit of a tough start in life, and so I'm looking for a new place to call home. I just met these two humans the other day, and then they came back today, put me in their Rover, and took me for a ride to their place.

There is a lot of space to explore here; unfortunately for me, there are these new things that I have to climb up and down to get everywhere. Apparently they are called "stairs". I was able to get up the ones inside earlier, but don't like going down them. Outside, they are scary too, as I can see right through them! But after some encouragement by these new humans, I made it down ok.

These new humans, named Christine and Richie, have been spending their time with me outside all day. I don't know how long I will be here, but I am sure having fun!
