Monday, August 31, 2015

Afternoon walks

Well, it would seem that I have hurt my leg somehow. I don't remember what I did, but it makes me hold up my rear leg a little bit when I'm standing around. For some reason, I am now getting a little dollop of peanut butter each morning and afternoon... and then my leg feels a bit better. 

 And then we'll run into one of these guys on our afternoon walks. Sometimes, Richie will let go of the leash, and then I can chase them up the nearest tree. But I forget about my leg, so Richie holds me tight, and so the squirrel just stands there and taunts me!

We got even closer to this one, and he just hung there and made little chirping sounds, before he took his nut and ran further up the tree. I tell you, if my leg felt better, I'd get that darn squirrel.

And then on our return trip, we ran into these two - our little human friends, Hudson and Komelo! Hudson is always talking about me, and it was good to see him again. This was the first time I had met Komelo, as she was afraid of doggies when she first arrived, but as you can see, she's gotten over that now.

You never know who we will see on our afternoon walks - who will we see next?


Monday, August 24, 2015

Summertime movie

Richie finally figured out how to work the thing called iMovie to make a compilation from Toba's 5-week stay recently.

What fun!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Summertime with Toba

Hi everyone! Sorry for the long delay during posts. It has been busy here, since we've had Toba over staying with us for the summer. It was really hot, but it has cooled off a bit, making our afternoon walks a little more tolerable.

 We sometimes see Charlie (Brown), another Berner that lives a block down the street. The other day we ran into her human, and he gave us each a treat!

Here's another funny thing in the neighbourhood - a chicken coop! Every time we walk down this particular street, I pull hard on my leash to go over to see these funny birds. I don't think Toba had ever seen them, as she got really excited, and tried to jump up onto the fence, but Christine held her back. I wonder what they taste like... mmm.

 Anyhow, we've really gotten into the habit of not going very far on these hot summer days. Around a block or so from home, there's this nice shady spot where the grass is still a little green. Both Toba and I will flop down there and wriggle around on our backs for a bit. Sometimes Richie will sit with us for a few minutes, sometimes not.

We've also been down to Point Roberts a couple of times - it's just as hot there, but there is always a part of the grass that is shady and cool.

 Anyhow, Toba has been making herself at home here. As usual, she spends hours outside lying in the garden, and sometimes will sleep most of the night outside.

She is a real character, and will often wriggle up on the bed in the morning, and push her bum into Richie's face, hitting him with her tail to wake him up! She tried to be a lap-doggie, but didn't last too long up there.

 Anyhow, after many sleeps, Toba has gone home again, and I get my space back to myself.
